Ar Nathal (A Guest)

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"They're reporting back to their master. They know of the prophecy." She stated.
My eyebrows scrunched together. "But how?" I questioned.
"Did you not notice part of your arm turn to your ghost-form while fighting?" She questioned.
"No, I didn't. The Warg and Orc were too concentrated on Killing me, and I them."
"Well, that's how they learned. By your ability slipping..."
I sighed.
'I lost control, and now there's trouble starting.'
"I'm sorry, Wendaviel."
"Do not apologize, Natura. We all make mistakes and it might have happened for a reason. We have yet to see."
I nodded.
"However, I believe it's time to return you to the Blue Wizards... For you have learnt all that you can from me." She spoke sadly.


* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts
Example: 'hand me down that can 'o beans, can 'o beans, can 'o beans!'

* Any of J.R.R Tolkien's languages will be translated in Bold asterisks
Example: Mae Govannen *Well Met*

* Italics without Apostrophes will put emphasis on certain words(s)
Example: run. Run!

Note: 📝 let me know if you have questions! 💓


It was a sad journey back to my home. I had grown accustomed to living with Wendaviel, and I liked it. We both did. Don't get me wrong, I liked living with the Blue Wizards Alatar and Pallando too. But it just wasn't the same. They were grandfatherly figures whereas Wendaviel was a friend, maybe even a best friend to me. I would forever be grateful for her teachings.

Weeks passed and the sight of the cabin came into view. I looked at my friend, "do you have to go?" I asked sadly.
She nodded and hugged me. "Yes, my friend. I do. Others need me now. However, send a letter and I shall respond. Remember your lessons. And I will see you soon, hopefully under good circumstances. Farewell Natura."

"Farewell, Wendaviel. Stay safe. I'll miss your company."
I watched as she walked away out of sight, then I proceeded into the cabin, changing into my ghost form.
"Pallando, Alatar? I'm home." I spoke.
They both walked into sight and pulled me into a hug.
"Welcome home, Natura." Alatar said.
"We got word of the Orcs hearing of the prophecy. We feared the worst." Pallando told me.
I smiled, "I'm fine, Wendaviel took good care of me."
"That's good to hear. However, your journey may not be over just yet..." Alatar spoke.
"What do you mean by that?"
"Well, we have some company." He continued.
I looked around the Wizards and could see smoke coming out of the living room.
My eyes narrowed. The Blue Wizards didn't smoke.
"Who is it, May I ask?"
"It's an old friend of ours, Gandalf the Grey is his name. He too heard of the Orcs catching wind of your prophecy." Pallando informed me.
They ushered me into the living room on a chair.

The moment I entered a man clad in grey turned around from looking into the fireplace. "Hello my dear. I'm Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey."
I blinked.
"Pleased to meet you, Gandalf."
He chuckled, "Pleased to meet you too, Natura."
I sat across from Gandalf, curious on what he had to say.
Alatar and Pallando soon chose chairs to sit on, also.

Gandalf sighed looking directly into my eyes. "I'm sure your guardians told you that I know that the Orcs found about you and your prophecy?" He questioned me.
I nodded. "Yes, they told me that you three knew."
"Well, we felt best if you were to come with me, and my companions. If you would like?"
"What companions?" I asked.
"13 Dwarves and a Halfling. We're starting a quest to take back Erebor and could very much use your skills, Natura."
"So that's what the prophecy was about? Me going on a quest with you?" I put the pieces together quickly.
"Yes, Natura it is." Alatar spoke.
"You've been training me for this all along, haven't you?" I asked them both.
Pallando nodded, sadly.
"You knew that I caused the Kingdom to fall, didn't you?" I asked the Blue Wizards.
"Unfortunately, yes. But there was nothing we could do to stop it except prepare you for this moment." Pallando explained.
"It's all up to you, Natura. Will you join me or not?" Gandalf asked.
"Well, since I caused the Kingdom to fall, I feel like I have to, Gandalf." I spoke sadly.
"Natura, you didn't know what your actions would cause. Thus it is not your fault." Gandalf spoke softly.
"I know, but I'll join you. Plus, I'd like to meet this company of yours."
Gandalf and the Blue Wizards nodded.
"Since you're being hunted, I feel it best that you travel with me. We'll leave in two days."
"Where are we heading, exactly?" I asked.
"The Shire, Natura."
I couldn't help but wonder why the Shire as I lay in bed trying to fall asleep.
Gandalf was two doors down, softly snoring.


Another chap. Coming soon! I'm searching for songs for the other chapters and it took around er.. 10+ tries for this one? 😵
Can't believe it was a song I knew all along. A couple lyrics don't match, such as "phone" and "car" but, it pretty much describes her upcoming life.

I'm still feeling a bit ill 🤒 so, bare with me!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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