Godaithrin (Lessons)

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She grabbed me by the shoulders. "Hey, hey. Natura it's okay to be in shock. It's your first experience like this. And I won't lie to you, no doubt more will come. This is why I'm teaching you - for the real world. Incase you ever need these skills."

I looked at my friend and nodded. We looted the bodies, searching for coins and anything we could well, sell. We piled them up and quickly burnt the bodies.

"Now, lets continue on." She spoke.


* Apostrophes in italics are thoughts
Example: 'hand me down that can 'o beans, can 'o beans, can 'o beans!'

* Any of J.R.R Tolkien's languages will be translated in Bold asterisks
Example: Mae Govannen *Well Met*

* Italics without Apostrophes will put emphasis on certain words(s)
Example: run. Run!

Note: 📝 let me know if you have questions! 💓


It had been a few days since we hunted the Orcs, and I had gotten over the shock of nearly being killed a day or two after. At points during our journey it felt as if we were walking through desert like conditions.

Now, however I was being tested on my plant knowledge, once again.
Wendaviel (When-dah-viel) pointed at a plant asking me it's name and purpose. (Image above) - the real plant.
"Poke Berries. Delicious if cooked, however It's poisonous if eaten raw." I stated.
"Good, now what are the side effects?" She asked.
"Well, there are many. Vomiting being one. Convulsions, and Paralysis being the others."
Wendaviel nodded with a smile on her face. "I'm glad that you've remembered your training."
I laughed. "How can I not? You quiz me constantly."
"True, however I do this for a reason."
"I know. And I thank you."
"Now, let me teach you the key points on where to kill a Warg."
So that, was how my day went. Wendaviel teaching me the weak points on Wargs and than the riders.

After a week of training for Wargs and their riders, we went to search for them.
It didn't take long. They were seemingly hunting us.
Wendaviel once again hid us both in bushes. On the way here, we were discussing a plan. However, we weren't expecting the Warg and their riders to be searching for us... The tables had turned.

There were around 10 of them, all ugly. These were the things that would be in ones nightmares.

They soon found us, and our plan of attack was ruined.

We were quickly surrounded. My training kicked in and I automatically found weak points on both. Easier than last time with just the Orcs.
I quickly looked to my friend, she was studying them as well.
It was mere seconds before the battle began... One for each, the others sat back and watched amused and studying as well.

I slashed at the wargs legs, and chest as it came towards me and ducked the Orc's blade. My goal: Take down the Warg. Then deal with the Orc. I kept hitting the Warg in the key points - the places that were weak. Until it collapsed. Then it was time to deal with it's very angry rider. He had more armor then the others I'd fought before, searching for more weak points while dodging and fighting was hard. But, I managed.
Soon, both were dead and when I turned to look at my friend she had already taken a few down.

They began their retreat. Which, confused me but I honestly wasn't complaining.

I looked at Wendaviel confused.

"They're reporting back to their master. They know of the prophecy." She stated.
My eyebrows scrunched together. "But how?" I questioned.
"Did you not notice part of your arm turn to your ghost-form while fighting?" She questioned.
"No, I didn't. The Warg and Orc were too concentrated on Killing me, and I them."
"Well, that's how they learned. By your ability slipping..."
I sighed.
'I lost control, and now there's trouble starting.'
"I'm sorry, Wendaviel."
"Do not apologize, Natura. We all make mistakes and it might have happened for a reason. We have yet to see."
I nodded.
"However, I believe it's time to return you to the Blue Wizards... For you have learnt all that you can from me." She spoke sadly.

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