Ch 30: Behind closed doors

Start from the beginning

  De Marco smiled. "Perhaps it's because of my partner." His caress over my back had me look at him. Of course, it was polite to smile back, even though I had nothing to add to the argument the two men were having. "Makes me think that my card career would've been far more successful if I had you by my side."

  Nathan's voice filled the silence with a hint of irony. "Of course. Doubtless, Kristin is here for your amusement. She seems fond of you already." I looked at him in full shock of what I was hearing. Emerald eyes glared back at mine with sharp anger.. Irritation. Jealousy. "Aren't you, Krissy?"

  The audacity of this man. While we were arriving, he dared say all those things to me in the car.. He dared tell me he would handle it all. And by the time night fell, he put it all out of consideration.

  He stayed on the side the entire night, drinking, provoking, and now dared put me in the middle of some foolish argument he started. Out of nothing but jealousy. Oh how it angered me, he couldn't even imagine.

  I glanced at Dominic and mumbled an 'Of course' before moving to Julia. "I'll take care of that, Julia,"

  Nathan had crossed his limits. There was no need, nor did he have the right on his part, to accuse me of anything.. Let alone something he knew wasn't my fault. That wine didn't seem to be treating him all so well. And I had had it with tolerating such rudeness.

  So I left for the kitchen, with the excuse to get Julia more wine instead bothering the maid. I had told the staff to go to bed since we would be staying late. Now that Nathan probably drank all the wine by himself, it gave me an excuse to leave. Get away from him and his thoughtless insults.

  My hands trembled from the rage I felt boiling inside me. Crouching down, I opened the lower cabinet with the intention to find an extra bottle of wine, but instead accidentally shoved the beer cans, causing a few to end up rolling on the floor.

  There was a second of such irritation exploding inside me that I nearly kicked them away and damned everything about the evening so far. But with those few curses that I found myself mumbling, it seemed that my frustration somewhat calmed.

  "You definitely managed to get things your way this time, didn't you?" That familiar deep tone filled the silence. Nathan. Perhaps once I would've been startled from his presence.. But in that moment, I was far too furious with him to care to even glance at him.

  So pushing the cans back in the cabinet, I took the wine and rose to my feet. From the corner of my eye, I noticed him at my left, at the very entrance of the kitchen.. Standing there in all his height and vigor, daring to come after me in the kitchen for— For what? More provocations? More insults?

  "What are you talking about?" I managed, not bothering to look at him. Instead, I focused on opening the bottle. My hands still trembled.

  "Your plan.." With long strides, I noticed him approaching. "It's working." He stopped at the side of the counter, not so very close, but close enough to awake that tension inside me. "You have him mentally undressing you with every damned glance he steals."

  There was that dangerous darkness in his voice that dared tremors to wash over me. De Marco was stealing glances.. It seemed that Nathan was damned terrified with the mere thought of him stealing more.

  But his words.. Those accusations.. Oh, they left me speechless with rage for a second. I stopped my attempts to open the bottle and looked at him. In all that anger, a picture of him in the car flashed through my mind. His daring words echoed in my head..

  And then I remembered that 'Kristin is here for your amusement. She's fond of you already'. What the hell was he doing playing the fool? Didn't he say he was there to fix the situation? And now he was insulting me? Throwing me in fire and backing away?

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