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The next day, Xavier went out for a walk and Arkyn planned to meet Bonnie at the Grill. Alexis, however was still grounded and was forced to stay home, and catch up on some homework. Arkyn saw Bonnie arguing with the warlock who'd tried to contain him in a boundary spell for Elijah. He walked over to them.
"Is there a problem here?" He wrapped an arm around Bonnie's shoulder.
"You!" Jonas said. "You're Elijah's brother."
"I prefer Arkyn. Less of a mouthful."
"How did you do it?" Jonas asked.
"Do what?" Bonnie asked.
"Leave the boundary spell?"
"I have a couple of witches who knew how to easily counteract it." Arkyn shrugged. "I guess you and your son really aren't very powerful." He smiled politely, and led Bonnie away.
"You met him?"
"Elijah used him and his son to keep me contained. He thought he could persuade me into agreeing to help him kill Klaus."
"Persuade... or torture?"
"Just a few magical aneurysms. Then a boundary spell. Don't worry, it takes more than that to bring me down, Bonnie."
"Elena said Stefan said you managed to leave the tomb. How?"
"Sheer will." He smirked, staring into her eyes, mischievously.
"Be serious!" She couldn't help but let out a laugh.
"Yesterday was the day for questions."
"And yet I feel like there's a lot more you aren't saying."
"There are. There are some secrets I can't ever tell anyone."
"That sounds lonely."
"It isn't. Because I still have people I very much trust by my side."
"Xavier and Alexis?"
"And more recently, you."
"Flattery will only get you so far."
"Good thing I have more than just charm to rely on." He winked. "You know, I'm home alone this weekend. If you want another dinner minus Xavier and Alexis."
"Is that your way of asking me out on a date?" Arkyn shrugged slightly and Bonnie shook her head with a laugh. "Where are Xavier and Alexis going?"
"They have this tradition. Gotta spend at least three weekends a year with their grandmother."
"The grandmother that doesn't like you?"
"Ruby is just careful, you know. Doesn't trust easily."
"I'm guessing there's more to the story?"
"When I met Alyson- Xave and Lex's mom- Ruby didn't know about me. So when she found out, she didn't react so well. Here I was this stranger, vampire, that her daughter trusted and cared about. She tried to keep us away, which led to some very bad things. Eventually she trusted me to look after Aly, but not enough. So we've been on rocky terms since. She won't actively try to kill me, but she won't step in to help if someone else tries."
"You and Alyson. Were you ever...?" She trailed off.
"No, never. Aly was a kid when we met. Innocent, kind, funny. She was determined to show me all that was good in the world. She was like the little sister I grew to love. As just that. A sister."
"You miss her, don't you?"
"Who, Aly? Of course."
"I mean your sister. I know you said the two of you weren't particularly close, but the way you speak of her. I can tell."
"Rebekah's difficult. She never wanted vampirism, but she took to it pretty quickly."
"Let me see if I can get this straight. You have three brothers and one sister. Kol, Elijah, Klaus and Rebekah. You had an older sister you never knew and a little brother who died, provoking your mother to turn you into vampires?"
"Very good. Except there's also Finn."
"That's a lot of kids."
"My mother loved children."
"Sounds like a good mom."
"To an extent. She cheated on my father resulting in Klaus, and when my father found out, she let Klaus pay for her mistake."
"Aside from Klaus, she was actually a pretty great mom. Our birthdays were the best. She'd make Rebekah's favourite meal, and two separate cakes. She'd use flowers from her garden for the colour. Have my name and Rebekah's written on top. When I turned thirteen my father decided I was man enough to have wine. But of course Rebekah was a girl so she wasn't allowed until we were older. I let her take a sip from my goblet when my father wasn't looking. My mum saw but she didn't say a thing."
"What was your dad like?"
"He always hated Klaus. Even before he knew Klaus wasn't his son. He beat him, humiliated him. Taunted him." Noticing her shocked face, he shrugged. "Klaus wasn't always so bad. He was once human. But that brother died centuries ago. All that's left is a monster wearing my brothers face."
"So why won't you help us get rid of him?"
"He won't die, Bonnie. Elijah's a man of his word, true, but if there's one thing he'll break a promise for, it's family. So you'll never be able to kill him."
"Do you think you'll ever be on good terms with your siblings again?
"Honestly? Maybe Kol. There were times where he'd admit he wasn't a decent person, but that it wouldn't stop him from being a decent brother. To me, at least. I figure if he could get away from Klaus, open his eyes to the world, he could stop with the whole killing thing. Maybe fall in love."
"Assuming he doesn't kill her." Bonnie didn't sound disapproving. Just humorous.
"Assuming." Arkyn couldn't help but smile. "I think she'd have to be a witch to put him in his place every so often."
"So only Kol?"
"Maybe Finn, but he's still daggered. Rebekah is slightly spoilt. She's grown used to a lavish lifestyle. God help anyone who looks at her wrong. She's like a stereotypical mean girl, only meaner, darker, and immortal. It doesn't help she's almost always team Klaus. Elijah's one purpose for a thousand years has been Klaus's redemption. Feels like he failed to protect him from our father. And he would have done anything for Klaus. No matter who it hurt."
"No to getting along then?"
"Not that I can imagine. But of course I saved worst till last. Klaus."
"I'm sorry." Bonnie apologised. He looked at her pointedly.

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