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"Can you stop moping?" Alexis groaned.
"I'm not moping."
"I'm not brooding."
"Well you're doing one or the other."
"I'm not moping or brooding. I'm just reading."
"Just ask her out." Xavier commented.
"You know who."
"Bonnie? I'll be lucky if she ever talks to me."
"Because you're a vampire?"
"Yes. Believe it or not, some witches actually understand that a vampire is an abomination of nature and refuse to work with them."
"They're just old fashioned."
"No. They're smart. Any witch who keeps the company of vampires can never have a good life."
"We did. We had a great life because of you."
"You would have had a better one without me."
"No. Mom would still be dead, I'd be in foster care and Xavier probably would've been evil or a criminal."
"Oh shut up!" Xavier flicked his hand and Alexis winced.
"Ow!" She made a similar gesture and he winced.
"Okay. Enough with the magical hair pulling and magical ear pulling. You're on opposite sides of the room. Leave each other alone." Arkyn stepped between them.
"See. Even if he and I were together after mom..." Alexis trailed off.
"We'd have killed each other." Xavier finished and she smiled at him gratefully.
"I don't think so." Arkyn shook his head slightly watching them.
"Anyways, you have to ask out Bonnie. If you don't-" Xavier paused. "Well, if you don't, I will."
"You're not interested in her."
"Maybe not. But if it'll get you to react..."
"Touché." He chuckled. "But I'm not asking her out."
"Fine. Then I will." Xavier walked away and Arkyn followed.
"Xave- Xavier!" He called all the way to the front door. But as soon as Xavier opened the door, he almost walked into a woman.
"Is this, uh, the house of Arkyn?" She asked.
"Technically it's Xavier's, but I do live here, yes." He said, from behind Xavier. "Xavier. Go check on your sister. And both of you behave!"
"Stop treating us like we're kids."
"I'll do that when you stop acting like kids." Arkyn nudged Xavier back into the house. "Who are you?"
"My name is Pearl."
"Nice to meet you. I think. So why are you looking for me?"
"Damon Salvatore. I paid him a visit earlier, and he told me there was another older vampire in town. I just wanted to see."
"He's barely two centuries old. Anyone is old compared to him."
"I suppose that's true. Just out of curiosity, how old are you?"
"I'm afraid that's not information I like to give out."
"That's unusual. Vampires usually like to boast about their ages."
"I'm more of the reserved type. I don't really mingle with others."
"But you have children of your own?"
"They're not children and they're not mine. Now if that's all-"
"You know, funny thing is, I heard of an Arkyn once. One of the oldest vampires."
"That is funny. I didn't realise vampires had an 'oldest'."
"I'll keep your secret. Last thing I need is your siblings in town."
"I really have no idea what you're talking about."
"Just out of curiosity, why haven't you just killed off Damon Salvatore? He disrespects you."
"You really must have me mistaken. I don't take life, unless necessary."
"I must be." She gave him a knowing smirk. "Good day Mr..."
"Mr Smythe." She gave a short nod and walked away.
"Do I even look old enough to have kids?" Arkyn scowled at the siblings who stood a little ways away watching.
"As much as I'd love to say yes and watch your ego crumble, you're only eighteen." Alexis drawled. "At least, physically."
"Well aren't you hilarious?" He narrowed his eyes at her. "I think we could all use a bit of a break from this town."
"We've been here for, like, a week."
"Just a quick getaway. I can't think in this town."
"Because of a certain green eyed gem you can't stop thinking about?"
"No. Because this is the town where my life fell to pieces. Where my father killed me and my siblings. Where my younger brother died."
"Getting out of town won't help."
"Definitely not. You need to stay, confront your demons."
"Yeah, well, that's not a good idea."
"Why not?"
"The last time I tried to, uh, confront my demons, I ended up a little, well insane."
"I haven't heard this story." Alexis leaned forward.
"Yes, well... You were there. Your mom tried to help me... come to terms with myself. She managed to trap me until I finally snapped out of it when the two of you zapped me. Well actually, Xavier did, while you laughed."
"Wait- we did what?"
"I'm surprised you don't remember, Xavier. You had these terrible nightmares about me for weeks until I bought you a toy truck and you just... got over it."
"I did?"
"Yeah. It was actually kind of funny, afterwards."
"Why'd you guys never tell us?"
"Because there was no need to. I was a monster that day. If it hadn't been for you crawling into the room and Xavier chasing you, I don't know if I would have snapped out of it. I sort of just growled at you and Xavier tried to protect you. Then his magic just reacted." Arkyn shrugged. "Okay, so pack your things, you guys. We are going for a trip."
"At least talk to Bonnie."
"That's not a good idea. She's a witch who lost her grandmother because of vampires. And anyways, humans and vampires are better apart."
"We're human."
"Well, you guys and your mother are the one exception to the rule. So go get your things, because I'm not leaving you guys in this town. Who knows what trouble you'd wreak."

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