Chapter 13 - The Mundane Way

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"I just can't believe it," I commented as Jace and I walked home, hand in hand.

"What?" Jace asked, looking at me with a furrowed eyebrow and his signature smirk.

"Who knew Jace Herondale was a holding hands kind of guy?" I smiled in return.

"Well, I've never found anyone worth holding hands with," he shrugged, "that is, until we"

"Yeah about 'us'," I akwardly laughed, "what are we?"

"That is the million dollar question," Jace agreed, looking forward.

"We can't be dating because that implies two people who have been on multiple dates with each other and we haven't even gone on one date. And I don't think girlfriend and boyfriend applies either because that requires some history of dating and..."

"Woah, woah, woah, Fairchild. I didn't think laws applied to relationships," he chuckled, our hands still swinging in between our bodies.

"Uhh...I'm just assuming really. It's what happened with Simon and Izzy," I explained, realising that my explanation sounded ridiculous.

"Simon and Izzy are two very different people to us," he revealed and suddenly I felt incredibly embarrassed and idiotic.

"You know what? Forget I brought it up," I muttered, trying to stop the internal cringing.

"No, Clary," Jace stopped and swung my body so it was in front of his, "I'm glad you said that. You told me how you really felt, which is good for relationships."

"I just wish I knew where we stood," I sighed, looking down toward the ground between us.

"Clary Fairchild," Jace spoke softly while his hand gently pushed my chin up to look at him, "even though I'm technically breaking your laws of relationships, will you be my girlfriend?"

I smiled, looking into his golden eyes, "I'd be honoured, but, you're not scared we're moving to fast."

"Too fast?" He repeated, his expression confused.

"Well, we kinda rushed into this thing we are. How do you know I'm what you want?" I asked, trying to explain the insecurities I never knew I had.

For the longest time I dreamed of being with Jace, of being the person he loved. But up until this point I had done nothing about it. Maybe, that's because some dreams don't come true, their too good to come true. I had unknowingly accepted that Jace was a dream and too good to actually happen. Jace was too good for me.

He must have noticed the sudden realisation because his eyes were filled with concern and another emotion I couldn't quite place. His hand moved to the side of my face and gently brushed his thumb over my cheek, "I know you're what I want because there is nobody I would rather spend time with. Because you're the first person that I think of when I wake up in the morning. Because I spent the summer realising that I can't live without you. Because I kicked myself for not making a move after you left the institute each day."

His expression softened even more as my sudden insecurities began to dissolve in my mind. The concern faded away in his eyes, replaced by the other emotion I still couldn't figure out, "Clary, I have been falling for you since the first time I saw you when we were children. Any other girl never compared to how you made me feel. But I was scared of the feelings, they were more powerful than anything else I had ever felt. I tried to ignore them and for a mere second it worked. But I'm not a child anymore, I've accepted these feelings. I care about you Clary, more than you could ever know. Because of the way you scrunch your face when you think, or how you always double knot your shoes before training, or because you always have a piece of charcoal in your pocket. But more than that, because you always see the best in people, in me. The only thing I'm afraid of is that you will see how much of a coward I've been. But I'm willing to risk that because I'm done waiting. I want to be with you Clary, more than anything right now."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2019 ⏰

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