Chapter 6 - Tick of a Clock

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The first week back at Raziel High had gone as quickly as it came. Classes continued with all of our teachers with the exception of training which rotated between Alec and Nathan. We all sat on the oval for lunch, just like last year, although we had Magnus join us every second day. We didn't mind because he always brought the best lunches and Alec was getting comfortable with him being around by the end of the week. Isabelle came home with me after school so she could see Simon. Everything was continuing on as if last year had never ended. Nobody noticed that Nathan and I were hiding a pain and anger that bubbled beneath our skin. Another thing that had changed was Jace and my relationship.
I always imagined this would be so easy for us but it wasn't. When we walked to school the morning after our first kiss we couldn't say anything. We didn't know what to say. It remained like that for a while, sometimes I'd even ask him questions in Latin just so we would make some form of communication.
I was such an idiot. I didn't know what I was thinking. I just kissed him, out of nowhere. And now I've ruined the amazing whatever it was we had. That was certainly the last time I ever listen to Izzy's advice.
It was the last class of Friday, while I was training with Nathan, that I explained all this to him when he asked me how my week was.
"That's quite odd," he commented, swinging his seraph blade at me.
"Which part?" I asked, blocking the move with my seraph blade.
"Well, a few parts of it actually," he laughed, as we continued our dance of swords, "but I was referring to the Jace part."
"What is odd about it?" I questioned.
"It's just, he always seems so...smooth," Nathan looked for the words, "he has never had a problem with getting with girls."
"I must have really freaked him out."
"Yeah, you probably did," he laughed, "Well, I just mean, he has liked you forever and you can't just act natural when your crush kisses you."
"If you knew all this, especially the him liking me part," I said, throwing his blade to the side while I moved my in front of his throat, "then why didn't you tell me?"
"You never asked," he teased, "but also, it's you and him, you had to figure out what you guys were together, without mine or Izzy's or even Alec's help."
"I never went to Alec," I defended myself, lowering my blade.
"No, but Jace did," Nathan laughed.
I looked to the side where Jace was sparring with Izzy. As if I had called his name his head turned and his eyes found mine. Not knowing what to do, I turned my head back to Nathan who scoffed.
"You really are pathetic," he said.
"Shut up."

Once the chime of bells sounded to let us know that the school day was finished I sighed.
"Why the long sigh?" Izzy chirped from behind me.
"It means the clock has began ticking," I murmured.
"Until your trip to Idris, right?" She asked.
"Yeah," I put on a comforting smile.
"Why are you going?" Isabelle became serious immediately, "is it serious? Does it have something to do with your father?"
"No and no," I lied, "everything is fine, Iz."
"Well then why is Jace going with you?"
"He still is?" I asked quickly looking to the side where Jace was talking to Nathan.
"Why, what happened," she asked as we grabbed our bags and began walking out of the training hall.
I explained what happened between me and Jace to her and waited quietly as she absorbed all the information and thought about it silently for a while. We had reached the front of the school when she finally opened her mouth.
"So, you kissed him first?" She asked, a smile on her face.
"Yeah, but now we aren't talking so I refuse to listen to any advice you offer me," I said, sternly.
"That would be because you turned his whole world upside down," she laughed.
"I get it, I freaked him out."
"Yes, but not because he didn't want to kiss you," she explained, "because he wanted to be the one to make the first move, Jace is embarrassed. How cute, you made him embarrassed!"
"That doesn't help my situation, Iz," I pleaded.
"Nope, you said you weren't taking anymore advice from me," she teased.
"Fine, I apologise," I said, "now, please give me something."
"Talk to him," she said, simply.
"You can't be serious," I let my head drop in defeat.
"I am," she assured me, "when you two are alone, talk to him."
"Sure, why not," I sighed, "what else could go wrong?"

The next morning I was up early, as instructed and put on the same outfit I wore on Monday. I didn't dawdle as I headed downstairs and grabbed myself a plate of breakfast. My bag for the night was sitting next to the front door with Nathan's. At the breakfast table was Luke, Nathan and Amelia, who was his escort, or more guest, for the weekend.

"Hey kiddo," Luke said when I sat down on one of the two chairs opposite my brother and Amelia. Luke was sitting at the head of the table as per usual.
"Morning," I greeted him back, trying not to think too hard about what was going to happen.
The four of us sat in silence eating. Luke or mom must have made multiple servings of bacon and eggs as that was what everyone was eating and a pile of toast with butter next to it sat in the middle of the table.
"So, are you two back together?" I asked my brother while grabbing a piece of toast.
"No, I just-" Nathan hesitated as Amelia choked a bit on the food she was chewing, "we are just friends."
"Well, I'm just going to get a glass of water," I said, trying to brush off the awkward conversation topic, "can I get anyone anything?"
"Water would be great," Amelia coughed. I did like Amelia, she wasn't the best fighter but she is such a kind and beautiful person that I can't see her being a mission shadowhunter.
I stood up and headed for the kitchen. As I began pouring two cups of water there was a harsh knock on the front door.
"I'll get it," I called, walking quickly to the front door. When I opened it I saw that it was Jace. I stared at him for a brief second and thought about how strange it was between Nathan and Amelia. I would die before I ever let that happen to Jace and I.
"Hey," I said with a smile.
"Hi," he replied with a bit of surprise, almost like he was expecting me to continue acting weird.
"Did you want to come in?" I asked and beckoned him inside.
"Thanks," he said and he put his bag down next to mine and Nathan's.
"Breakfast has been served," I said, it was so easy to act normal again, "but first, can we talk?"
"Sure," he said as I dragged him into the empty living room.
"I want to apologise for," I looked for the right word, "surprising you on Monday."
"You don't have too," He admitted with a smirk. He seemed to become his old self easily as well, "I admit you might have to apologise to my pride though. You bet me to it,"
"It was a heat of the moment thing," I genuinely smiled again, "beside you were taking too long."
"Well, I've spent all week trying to think of what might top your 'heat of the moment'," he admitted.
"That's sweet," I nodded, "So, now what?"
"Well," he said, approaching me and sliding his hands behind my waist. I held mine behind his neck as our lips joined. My breathing became uneven and I jumped slightly when there was a knock on the living room door. We pulled away and look at Luke innocently.
"That is the last time you ever answer the door, young girl," he said jokingly stern, "now get back in there, your breakfast is getting cold. As for you, Mr Herondale. Get into the kitchen and get some breakfast before I have to throw it away."
"Of course, sir," Jace nodded.
"Great talk," I added as we walked out of the living room with Luke following close behind us.
Breakfast was a lot less awkward when Jace joined the table. We ended up on the topic of runes that should exist and I proudly agreed with Amelia who mentioned an inspiration or creative rune. Even mom agreed with the idea when she finally joined us.
When we had all finished and mom collected our plates to clean them, there was another aggressive knock on the door. Us four teenagers were in a serious conversation about what the worst rune was.
"I'll get it, shall I?" Luke said, making his way to the front door. When he returned he was joined by two shadowhunters in clave uniforms, Magnus Bane and Stephen Herondale.
"Time to go," Luke said, morbidly.
"You didn't tell me your father was in charge of our transportation," I told Jace as we gathered our bags.
"He didn't tell me either," Jace said, looking coldly at his father.
"Biscuit, how are you?" Magnus said joining us.
"I've been better Magnus," I said honestly, realising what was drawing closer.
"It will all be over before you know it, my dear," he comforted, placing an arm on my shoulder.
We all made our way outside to my drive way. Mr Herondale and the two Clave representatives leading followed by my mom and Luke, then Nathan and Amelia, then Magnus, Jace and I.
"Bane," Mr Herondale barked, "open the portal."
"Shadowhunters," Magnus muttered as he stepped forward and initiated the spell. Once the portal was open I hugged Luke tightly while my mother hugged Nathan. When she turned to me and pulled me close she whispered quietly.
"Don't trust him, Clary," she said, pained, "Don't trust anybody around him either."
With that she let me go, the last thing I saw was a tear falling down her face before Jace grabbed my hand and pulled my out of the way of one of the guards who was going to push me. I grasped his hand tightly and we walked into the portal.

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