Chapter 8 - Endless Hours

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As soon as I got back to my room I headed straight for the desk, not even closing the door on my way in. I was repeating everything my father had said, over and over in my head the whole journey here. 

I have bigger plans for the future. Do not believe for a second that the possibilities end within that cell. Our actions can be carried to great lengths. Stay away from downworlders, don't get attached to something filthy that must be thrown out. You shall see soon enough.

I kept playing these words over and over again as I grabbed my runes notebook and tore out a page from the middle. I began scribbling each word on the page, carefully not to miss any. Once I had finished I rested my pen down next to the lined paper. I read each word carefully, as my mother's words replaced Valentine's in my head.

Don't trust him, Clary. Don't trust anyone around him either.

I then scribbled her words a few lines below his. 

I stared at the paper for so long that when I finally looked up again it was dark in my room. My head was beginning to hurt so forced my attention away from the words. I walked over to the bed and collapsed again. A sense of comfort rushed through me, the bed was a lot softer than the hard chair. I began revising my thoughts. 

Valentine still hated downworlders, and was planning something. My memory then flickered to the intense way he looked at me. It occurred to me that this plan, somehow, could involve me.

"Clary?" Jace was leaning on the doorway to my room, "You probably shouldn't leave this door open, you don't know what creeps are hanging around."

"Come in," I said, sitting up on my bed, "And close the door."

"What happened?" he asked casually, walking into the room, closing the door behind him.

"Valentine still hates downworlders," I summarised, watching him walk over to my desk. I let him read my father's words.

"You think he is planning something," Jace said after reading. He knew me way too well, "Why haven't you told anyone?"

"I don't know exactly what it is that he is planning and I don't have any evidence," I sighed in frustration, "and Clave members won't believe me, I'm still in training for crying out loud."

"When you put it that way..." Jace said, trailing off into a new subject, "Dinner was served ten minutes ago, you must be hungry, you obviously haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Its not unbearable," I said, yet I stood and walked with him out of the room, "So what were you doing all afternoon?"

"Well I kept wandering for a while, I was pretty sure I got lost," Jace began answering, "the gardens have changed since the last time I was here. Anyway, I ended up in the training facility."

"Wow, is it as good as Alec said?" I asked.

"Better, especially because I was allowed in this time."

When we were juniors, the school took us here for an excursion. We got to check out some of the dormitories, we ate at the eating halls, we even toured the library which was, personally, a dream come true. The one thing we were not allowed to visit was the training facility. Because we were all too young our supervisors didn't want any accidents to occur. A few years later, Alec came to school after disappearing for a few days, telling the story about how his father showed him the training facility and how he got to train in there. You could slice the jealous tension in the group with a knife.

"It was amazing, I experimented with all their weapons that they had available and then ended up sparring with one of the guards," Jace exclaimed.

"Like a kid in a candy store," I laughed.

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