Chapter 3 secrets

Start from the beginning

Kaiya pov

i was walking through the corridor on the way to the locker rooms. the plan was to lure Neji in there again. but this time a little earlier then usual. oh how likeable that boy was. he didn't relies it himself but he was really sweet, passionate and devoted. that was what had made me fall for him. the passion he had when he held you, and kissed you tingly. the sweet way he was, respecting what i was willing to give and not, not even asking anything about it just letting me decide it all. and most of all the sadness and loneliness he had shown so often before. those eyes. i loved his eyes. They spoke of so many feelings and deep emotions, they showed how lonely he had really been all those times and hurt when no one seemed to notice him. So that was why i where still flirting like this whit him, it had just been a cheer up thing at first but then i hadn't been able to keep away, i just found him to adorable. if only he could be told about my secret to. then maybe we truly could be together. there was a twitch of pain at the thought of what i couldn't have. how many times hadn't i been forced to break the embraces to rush away when another class bell rang not to become to exited by Nejis hands and lips. i slipt through the door to the locker room to wait for Neji. but well in there i saw that there where others there Already. Billie and his friends where waiting there for me. 

-hello Kaiya...waiting for anyone special? They grabbed both my arms and tore open my blouse to find the brah i had on underneath. Billy slide his hand in under my skirt grabbing the butt-cheeks.                                                                                                                                                               -what are you doing! Stop that! get your hands of me!   i cried desperately, they would find out my secret.                                                                                                                                                                   -oh...lets take a peak on what your hiding inside these panties shall we?  Billy laughed at me, my  eyes shot open in chock and i yell out loudly struggling in panicked to get lose.                                    -NO!!! DON'T PLEAS STOP IT! but Billie pushed his hand inside the back of my panties and down between my butt-cheeks touching the rear.                                                                                                       - well well..what is that kaiya? i looked terrified at Billie beggingly. as he grabbed the long hair and pulled the head far back and snuckt his hand into the front of my panties pulling them down and his discovery out. he calling out in anger and surprise as he then teared of the brah from my chest whit disgust.                                                                                                                                                                      -FAG! disgusting little transvestite YOU FUCKING FAG!  he shouted at me, looking at me as if i was the most disgusting thing in the world, and i guess i was. i always known this, he wasn't the only one that told me this. but i just couldn't stop. it just wasn't me. i felt my face redden and eyes water. as the guys kept on taunting me.

Neji POV

 i just arrive  at the locker room fore my make out meeting whit Kaiya and i saw Billy and his Friends dropped a terrified and embarrassed silently crying Kaiya to the floor. who was desperately trying to cover up as much of herself as possible, trying to hide she secret from me, not wanting us to know. but it was to late, i had already seen it. Billy and his gang left the room whit a mocking word to me. i stood frozen shocked, staring at the truth about Kaiya, who was now breaking down on the floor trying to hold her blouse together to cover the fact there where no breast on her chest, trying her hardest to pull up the pinkish panties back to their place to hide the reviling secret she had been hiding there. i was so shocked i couldn't hold in the whispered of an almost unhearble word. then i rushed out of the room.   

Kaiya POV 

- a guy... Neji whispered shocked. I felt as if my heart was shattering into millions of little pieces. it was all over.. i was back to be someone he would not want. someone no one would want. Neji would never love me now. though he never would have loved me before ether. i would still be what i am and always would be even if i never told him about it, i would still have my integrity. he would have found out one way ore another had they continued like that. it still pained me still hurt that Neji would never look at me like i was the most precious thing in his life again. i had destroyed it all by being this horrid creature.. 

//i know this was a meen chapter and horrible. Kaiya´s inner thought of herself is really bad. i know but, its going to make more sens later and there is obviously a reason, why she has such bad self asteam deep down. guessed what the secret is yet? //

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