Chapter 16 - The House Guest

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I wake up to my alarm which I don't remember setting, probably Noah. Great, I sit in bed for a few minutes before going to the bathroom. I wash my face and brush my teeth before tying my hair in a ponytail. I also change the dressing on my wounds which were forgotten but now I'm thanks to painful burning sensation. After redressing my wounds, I leave my room and go downstairs to see everyone already there, looking exhausted while Adam and Ezra looked ready to kill Noah and Ares. "Morning." I greet once I'm next to Ares. "At least someone's in a good mood." Noah says. "How's your leg now?" Ares asks. "Awesome. I can't really feel lower part of my leg and my stomach feels on fire but I'll survive." I tell him. "Sometimes I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic." Noah says at the same time Arya asks, "What happened to your leg?" "I was being serious, I got shot." I answer both of them. Everyone stares at me and i just roll my eyes. "You can start training once your leg is better." Noah says and I nod not really in the mood to put up a fight. We go to the backyard and by backyard I mean the forest, since their house is basically surrounded by woods. Once we're there, me and Ares lean on a tree while Noah starts lecturing the others.

"Elle?" Ares calls out. I look to him and he is looking worriedly towards Noah. "What is it?" I ask him. "I'm worried. About Noah, he's going to be stuck once Klaus gets here. I tried talking to him but he just sidetracked the conversation or changed the subject." Ares says. "You should leave." I say and he stares at me like I'm crazy. "He said he left his family because he was tired of the way his family behaved. It would be best if you both left. He won't be stuck Ares, he'll be torn, he'll have to choose. Elijah isn't going to give up and it doesn't seem like Klaus will either; even if he doesn't choose, there's a possibility he might have to watch one of his brothers die. At the hands of Elijah, Klaus or my sister and her friends." I elaborate. Ares nods seeming to think it over. "What about you? What about them?" Ares asks. "I only want to save my sister and keep my family away from the line of fire. I already have a way to save my sister and I know I can keep everyone else safe too. As for them, take them with you; it's not safe here. Mystic Falls is not the place for them, it was stupid of me to make them come here. In one month we can go get the dagger, till then I'll continue practicing and you can train them." I tell him.

"That's a stupid plan. You've already been shot, if it weren't for us you would've also turned. We are not doing that." Ares says. "Okay then, do you have a better plan?" I ask him. "Yes as a matter of fact. We stay here and train them and build trust amongst us, Noah stops his brothers from killing each other and we make sure you don't die while protecting your family." Ares says to me. "Oh wow, great plan. You train them, stop Elijah and Klaus and you also help me keep my friends and family safe. Huh, what makes you think I'll let you risk your life for my friends or family?" I question him. "What makes you think I'm asking for your permission? Besides, the plan is to keep you safe while you risk your life for your friends and family. No offense sweetheart, but I don't truly care what happens to your friends or family." Ares says. I turn to him and open my mouth to say something but close it, changing my mind. Of course he doesn't care about my friends or family; he barely even knows them. "I don't want you to risk your life for me." I whisper. "Because if I die, I'll wake up but you won't and I don't know if I could forgive myself or Elena if that happens." I tell him. "I'm sorry Elle, you don't have the right to make our decisions for us. Why wouldn't you forgive Elena our yourself?" Ares asks. "Because at the end of the day it's Elena's fault, here I am trying to save her while she tries to kill herself over and over again. Because if you died while saving me from the danger my sister is putting us all in just because she is self righteous and stubborn; all I'll see when I look in the mirror is a monster." I explain. "And if you died Elle, we won't be able to forgive ourselves either. We have the power to help you and you're the only friend we've had in a while, protecting you is something we will gladly do. Besides we won't die because you'll protect us too, won't you?" Ares asks. "I will. Always." I promise him. "And we'll protect you. Always." Ares promises. We share a smile before looking back at the others. They're trying basic defense moves while Noah is helping Arya, most probably teaching her how to use her wolf strength.

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