Chapter 4 - Memory Lane

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I wake up to my phone ringing and Tyler hitting me with a pillow. "Answer your phone Ari," Ty mumbles before sleeping again. I answer it without looking, "Hello?" I say while sitting up. "Hey, Elle. Time to get up." Noah's voice rings through the phone. "What? Noah. Why are you calling me at six?" I ask lying back down on the bed. "Because you need to go on a run and then train and practice archery. Just because Ares and I aren't there doesn't mean you'll forget everything." Noah says and I just know he's really happy right now. I really want to be mad but he is right I can't just stop training. "Thanks, Noah. How's everything there?" I ask and he chuckles. "Everything is just fine. Don't worry about us. Go train." Noah tells me. "Okay fine. Bye." I say. "Bye Elle," Noah says and I cut the call and sigh but get out of bed and go into the bathroom.

I wash my face and go back to the bedroom. I take a pillow and hit Tyler on the face with it repeatedly. "What the hell Ari?" Ty shouts while sitting up. "Get up. We're training today. So both of you get up and get ready." I say and start hitting Matt. Matt sits up with a groan. "What?" Matt asks. "We're training. Get up. You both have fifteen minutes to get ready." I inform them and go to change into some sweats and a t-shirt. I go and sit on the bed waiting for Tyler and Matt.

Matt comes and sits next to me dressed in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. "Why are you making us do this?" Matt asks while giving me an unimpressed look. "Well now that you know about the 'supernatural world' I think you should at least know the basics of self-defense," I inform him and he sighs but nods. "Yeah. I guess you're right." Matt agrees and I give him a smile. Tyler joins us soon and we all go downstairs and out the door. Jeremy is standing near the door since I texted him to come. "Hey, Jer. Ready?" I ask them all. They all nod and we start our jog. After our jog, we go to the Lockwood ruins. Once there I teach them the same way Noah had taught me on the first day. After an hour or so we all sit down, well Tyler dramatically collapses on the ground.

"Are you going to make us do this every day?" Tyler asks. "Yes, I am. What are you complaining about anyway? You practice twice more than this every day." I say while leaning against the tree we were sitting under. "Yeah well, this is more tiring. And you are relentless Ari." Ty says and the other two nod. "I'm not going to force you if you don't want to," I inform them. I close my eyes for a minute before getting up to leave for the arena to practice archery. "See you guys later," I say while walking towards Ty's house. "Are you mad at us?" Matt asks as the three of them walk beside me. "No. Why?" I ask a little confused or maybe sleep deprivation is catching up to me. "Well you just gave in rather than ordering us and now you're leaving." Jer states. "Well, I have to go to practice. And like I said I won't force you. So bye." I say while walking towards my car as we had already reached Ty's house. "Bye," Jer says and I smile at him. I get into the car and drive towards the arena.

I get there and register again before going into the arena. I practice for an hour before deciding to leave. I get into my car and drive towards home. I enter and see Jenna in the living room with Ric. "Hey Jen, Ric." I greet them. "Hey, Ari. Finally, find your way home?" Jenna asks teasingly. "Seems so. Sorry I haven't been around." I say sincerely. I mean I haven't spent time with her since I got here. "It's fine. Just stay a few days this time." Jenna says and I nod. "Promise," I say with a laugh and she laughs too. "Well we're having a barbecue today so go get ready." Jenna orders. "Yes, ma'am. Who is coming?" I ask her. "Well, there's Mason, Ric, and Damon. You can invite your friends." Jenna informs me. "Sure." I agree and head towards my room.

After a nice long shower, I get dressed in a nice dress since I have to wear Ares's dresses someday. It was a simple brown dress that reached my knees and had a black belt in the middle. I wore black stockings too. I text Care, Tyler, and Matt to come since I didn't want to be stuck with adults. Well, adult children. They text back their confirmation. I go downstairs in case Jenna needs help. "Hey, Jen. Anything I can help with?" I ask as I enter the kitchen. "No everything is handled. Are your friends coming?" Jenna asks and I nod. "Yeah, they are. I'm just gonna go on the porch then." I tell her and she nods. "Have fun," Jenna says as I walk out.

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