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True friendship is a treasure only a few are blessed with. I can say that I've had wonderful friends for my whole life. I don't remember how me and Ty became friends but I remember meeting Matt. Since Matt's dad left the family and his mom was quite well known and talked about in town (not for good reasons) no one wanted to become his friend. Me and Ty sat with him during lunch once in the first grade because we saw people laughing at him and wanted to help. Well, I wanted to help and Ty didn't really have an option. We have been inseparable since.

Ty, Matt, and Care are the best people I could ask for in my life. They've always been there when I needed someone; it didn't matter what I need them for. I'm glad to know that Noah and Ares are also one of those people now. I love all of them with my heart and trust all of them with my life. I remember reading somewhere:

'Friendship isn't about whom you've known the longest. It's about who came, stayed and never left.'

and I know that's the kind of friendship I have been blessed with from all my friends.

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