"What's with you and Pete?"

"I'll tell you some other time, Pond. I really need to go. Don't want to be late."

Ae was playfully laughing while seeing the gaping expression of his bestfriend as he left. Pond's gaping expression changed to happy one, then to a worried one.

"Ae is inlove, that's good. But he is inlove with a guy and a famous actor to boot. Hey, Ae! I hope you know what you are getting yourself into."

Pete on the other hand, finished everything so flawlessly that everyone was amazed. Noh was actually laughing inside as he knew Pete timed everything up and how Pete will be annoyed when it will not end up on time because he needed to adjust the remaining activities again.

"Noh, let's go home. I need to prepare my stuff for this weekend. I forgot to do it yesterday."

Pete was giddy but Noh just smiled.

"No need to rush, Pete. I've prepared that days ago. The blue backpack at the back of the van. I've already wrapped your gift to Ae's niece and it's inside as well. So all I need to do is throw you to Ae's car!"

Pete lounge himself to Noh. Hugging the latter so tight and kissed him on the cheek.

"You're the best mom ever, Noh!"

Noh just smiled. He really loves it when Pete is happy like a child. He can see how pure this person he choose to take care for the rest of his life.

When Pete and Noh arrived, Ae was already waiting at the gate, standing at his car. Pete saw him smiled as he saw them coming.

Pete went out of the van before Noh parked it inside the gate. He literally ran to his P'Ae and hugged him tightly, which caught Ae off guard.

"P'Ae! I missed you! Did you miss me?" Pete shouted as he enclosed Ae's neck with a tight hug.

"Yeah, I did." Ae was able to muttered as he was still suprised with the younger guy's behaviour.

"Then why aren't you hugging Pete back?" Pete was now pouting, arms still on Ae's neck.

"We are outside, Pete. People might look at you badly."

"I can see no one around. And I won't let go until I receive a hug from P'Ae."

Pete was stubbornly cute to Ae's eyes. He wanted to prolong the moment, tease the guy but he knew better. Ae locked Pete's waist and draw him near to him until he could feel his warmth.

But Pete was not done yet, he nested his face to Ae's neck. He could feel the relaxing effect that his P'Ae's warmth and smell was giving him.

"This feels nice, P'Ae. I'm sleepy now."

Ae could feel Pete smile while snuggling at his neck. As much as he doesn't want to, he pulled him away from him.

"Don't sleep here. Are your things ready?"

"It is. Here."

Noh gave the backpack to Pete. The two turned crimson as they forgot Noh was there and realized he has been watching them for a while. Noh was laughing so hard.

"Why not get a room? Hahaha!"

"Noh!" Pete was glaring.

"I was just joking. Go now, it will be a long drive. Ae, please drive carefully. Don't worry that guy will sleep in no time."

Noh was laughing while waving his hand as Pete continued to glare at him.

Ae bade goodbye to Noh and start to drive.

Pieces of Meحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن