Tori and Stella slowly make their wa to me with tears swimming in their beautiful eyes. Rubbing my eyes one more time, I ask in a croaky voice, "Are you guys okay?" They don't answer. Instead, they walk toward me with their arms wide open. Jumping on the bed, I'm being squished in a hug by both of them.

"We're sorry!!" I can feel the trickle of tears coming down their faces.

They push back from me and sit at the end of the bed, facing me.

I find myself staring at them in awe. It's so UNFAIR. They both look they had a facial last night, they dont look like they were drunk.

Tori, makes eye contact with me then looks away. "We know what we said to last night."

"We're sorry." Stella looks at her lap, not once glancing at me.

Tears well up again in their eyes, furious Tori blinks trying to get the tears to go away. "We are so sorry."

"We really are. We never wanted to to bring up the guy-that-must-not-be-named. We were drunk and I know that's a lame excuse." Stella finally looks up at me from her entertaining fingers. Both girls squirm with embarrassment and flush red.

Being the saint I am, I relieve them of the embarrassment and worry. I chose to share the realization with them. "Guys, stop! It's okay. Kyle.." they both look over at me in shock, I haven't said his name in 2 years, "see, his name does no damage to me anymore."

"Wait, what!? Explain" Tori demands.

After going through all my thoughts from the night before, both girls just stare at me.

"Well, I feel like a proud mama bear. That jerk really did some fucked up things, which really messed you up. But finally, you are letting go of the dumbass' actions."

Then Tori hesitantly speakers. "Vanessa....." she's beaming.'

Shaking my head, I smile at her. "Yes Tori?"

"Does this mean you looking for a man...wait let me rephrase that. Are you on the market now?" She looks so hopeful.

"I guess....I might stay where I am for a little." Tori sequelae with pure joy. I can see all the wheels churning in her head.

"Can I make a few comments?" I put a hand in front of me, indicating her to go on. "it looks like your attracted to guys which have the total bad boy dark and sexy vibe"

"What do you mean?" Confused, I look over at her. But the wheels are at full force now.

"You like men with unruly bed head hair, bulging muscles, a light beard and and ohhhhh wait, you like men with tats."She giggles at me. I think to see if she's accurate. What the hell, how does she know all of this?

"Um, Tori how do you all of this?" She looks over at me with a "duh" look.

Stella chimes in, "Well V if you use simple knowledge, you'll know." Teasingly she sends a wink my way. "Kyle was nothing but classy and put together. He has blonde hair and lean physique which really was fit for more of nerd. Plus he dressed up in loafer, seriously, loafers. After he did that to you, you naturally will repel guys like him. " She cocks an eyebrow my way, proving her point and falls back on the bed.

"Wow, Stell," I murmur, "did you ever take a phycology class before?"

Tori smiles and says, "She does have a point, like dang girl!"

Eventually we migrate under the covers and just talk about random stuff. Then out of nowhere, Stella and Tori shoot up in sitting position.

Tori starts, "Can I please please, pretty please make a suggestion?"

Stella rushes in, "A man? Please?"

Stella knowing me says, "Just think about it okay? Be open minded."

Both of them look over at each other and in unison scream, "STEFAN RUSSO!!" I sit up and glare at them.

"Why him, out of everyone, why him?" 

"He's absolutely perfect you! The rugged sexy look balance your soft beautiful look. Also, I bet you, you are attracted to him." They give me the look. (A/N- The look is when one implies sex 😏😏😏thats the look) Tori sighs lustfully.

"Oh god!" I groan leaving two inappropriate  giggling school girls on my bed and off to the bathroom. As I brush my teeth, my mind wanders to Stefan. I mean duh, he's hot but the encounter in the bar clearly shows me he's not into me. It was pretty blunt too. But I couldn't help but think we might make a good couple.

Hi guysss!!!!!!!

How is life?

Sooo sorry for the SUPER long chapter

but tell be ur thoughts

Please vote and comment my loves😘😘😘

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