Nodding once, Mr. Paul fixed his glasses, so they sat evenly on his nose. "I got it, Kay. Thank you."

There was another moment when we didn't talk, but it wasn't as long as the one before. It was only seconds. But for me... seconds were like hours. For real.

"Will you be able to do that again next month?" There was a bit of worry in Mr. Paul's voice. I wasn't sure if it was for me or his property. I'm sure my monthly payments helped with the mortgage or taxes. And Mr. Paul was well aware of my situation when I first came to him.

As long as Brian doesn't think I'm a complete idiot... "I will!" Pushing away my thoughts, I smiled at the older man. "I've, um, actually got an interview right now."

"Now?" Mr. Paul's eyebrows shot up high. Surprised. "May I ask where?"

"Yeah." I nodded quickly. "It's at a coffee shop. Nice place. The boss seems nice, too."

"Ah, well, that's great, Kay." Mr. Paul glanced behind him, down at the steps leading towards the side entrance of his shop. "I had thought of offering you a side job, too, if you wanted." He looked back at me. "Sometimes, like today, I need to step away and need help."

My heart softened as I nodded, listening to him. There was a sparkle in his eyes. Honesty I hadn't seen it there before. Which... was a lot, because sincerity is all I knew from the man. "I can help, Mr. Paul."

"Now that you may have this other job, I suppose you wouldn't need it—"

Who can say no to more money?

"—But if you wanted to, it wouldn't be much. An hour or so a week, if that. And if you did, you can either take a day's payment or simply apply it towards your rent. The choice would be yours."

I can't say no to that! Thinking about it, a side hustle would be great. Especially if it knocked payment off my rent. Who knows how much the shop would pay? If I get it at all. "I can definitely help, Mr. Paul. You've been so nice to me since I first got here, so anything I can do to return the offer would be great. I can show up in the mornings, bright and early, or I can—"

"It won't be that much. I'll let you know when, Kay," he said with a nod. "I do appreciate the help."

"Of course." I smiled.

"Lovely." Mr. Paul gave me a small wave. "Have a good day." Before I could tell him to have the same, he turned to descend the steps and out the doors below.


"Thank you," I whispered. I turned to go back into my apartment, but I gave one glance over at Mr. Paul's apartment door and thought of knocking. We had spent all that time talking in the hallway, I forgot to ask about Mrs. Paul once more. The cupcakes were always lovely. Thanking her was just as important as helping him down in his shop. I didn't think she ever left the apartment, so she had to be inside, right? I'd hear them talking sometimes. It wasn't much, and as much as I wanted to be nosey, I thought pressing my ears against the wall to listen was a bit... creepy.

Maybe I never saw her because there was something wrong? He was old so that only meant she was, too, right? Perhaps she was stuck at home, not able to move much. Yet, to think, the old woman still got up to help her husband make cupcakes. Gosh, that had to be the sweetest love story.

Could I get married to a guy like that? One that would make cupcakes with me until we're old and grey? Just like... forever?

I sighed at the thought and closed my door behind me. I wouldn't find a man by staying inside, and I couldn't venture out into different places without gathering enough experience to actually be able to go. Placing the cupcakes on my kitchen counter, I grabbed one and nearly swallowed it whole. After, I went back into my room and stared at my closet.

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