chapter 4: day 1- bad timing Giaus

Start from the beginning

Throughout this whole talk Merlin avoided Arthur's eyes. Not once looking at the prince.

"Merlin, arms." Gaius said standing in front of the dark-haired servant. Without looking up he slowly raised his right arm.
"You need to keep these clean"
"I know"
"They need to stay clean," Gaius said as he unwrapped his arm.
"I know,"
"The burns aren't that bad, but they can still get infected."
"I know," by now the red burns on Merlin's arm was uncovered and exposed to the air. Gaius rubbed an ointment onto the irritated skin. Then proceeded to wrap his arm with new, white bandages. When his arm was completely covered Merlin raised his left and Gaius started the same thing on it.

"You say you know but then this is the state I see your bandages in."

While Gaius talk about proper care. Merlin sat there looking at the floor.
"It wasn't my fault."

"Merlin are you even listening to me?"

"No" Merlin's eyes widened as he spoke. He didn't mean to actually answer. Gaius sighed finishing up Merlin's arms. He pulled them back up and crossed his arms again.

"Keep them clean this time. Or I'll make you wrap them up next time."

Merlin's jaw tightened, his fury numbing the pain. He stood up abruptly. Shocking both of the men in the room. "If that's all." Merlin pulled his shirt back over his head. "I have work to do."

He ignored the calls of his name from both of them as he made his way to the laundry room.


Arthur watched as Merlin took off his shirt. Not even trying to stop himself from looking. Merlin was skinny, really skinny. Too skinny for Arthur's liking.

Arthur noticed Merlin wouldn't look up. Understandable with what he told Arthur before.

Now that the shirt was off Arthur could clearly see the bruising. The one on his side, shaped like a footprint had Arthur covering his mouth with his hand. So that his groan of anger wouldn't come out of his mouth. Throughout the whole examination Arthur watched Merlin. Noticing him
flinch here and there.

When Gaius pulled out a vial full of brown liquid Arthur pulled his hand away from his mouth. Once Gaius explained what it was and when Merlin was supposed to take it. He nodded, already counting the hours till dinner.

Arthur looked back to Merlin when Gaius asked for his arm. When Gaius started lecturing him about keeping the bandages clean the prince could see Merlin getting frustrated. Could almost hear what he was thinking. Probably because he was thinking the same thing. "It wasn't Merlin's fault."

Arthur smiled when Merlin answers Gaius "are you listening?" Question with a no. Then frowned when Merlin crossed his arms, hiding his chest again. "I wish he thought more of himself." Arthur thought he was handsome, skinny but handsome. He wasn't a woman but he would even dare say he was pretty.

Arthur jumped a little when Merlin stood abruptly.
"Is that all?" Merlin said. Anger clear in his voice. At least for Arthur it is. He knew how to read Merlin. Or he believed he could.
"I have work to do." Arthur looked up just as Merlin was leaving the room. Shirt now back on.

"Merlin!" He called and ran out of the room. He looked around and didn't see him anywhere. "Merlin!" The prince searched down a few halls. Knights and servants not even giving him a second glance. Sadly, Arthur walking down the halls yelling his servants name was normal.

"Merlin!" By now he was at the physician quarters. The blonde walked in and didn't even stop to look around. He walked briskly to the door he knew lead to Merlin's room.

The small room was as he remembered. Clothes everywhere, small bed lacking a mattress, the sheets that merlin uses as a blanket half on the floor, and the closet. That clearly didn't hold any of his clothes. What little he had.

If memory serves him right he had two shirts. One blue, one red, one pair of pants and two neckerchiefs.
"I wonder if I could get away with buying him some more stuff."

Arthur shook his head. "Stop, just find him that's all you have to do right now." He took one more look around and left.


It's not that Merlin couldn't hear his name being yelled. He just chose to ignore it. He did finish the laundry and took it back to Arthur's room. Only having to dodge the prince once.

Now he was in the armory polishing the armor that he was supposed to clean and polish the day before. His shoulder and ribs burned, but he pushed through. As well as his exhaustion from not sleeping the night before. He was fighting it as well but it was getting harder to do.

For the hundredth time that day he yawned and had to fight his eyelids to stay open. He laid his head down on the breast plate he had sat in his lap. Closing his eyes for a second. He just wanted to rest for a moment, only a moment.


"Merlin," Arthur said when he finally found the servant. Who was hunched over and asleep over the armor. Arthur sighed and walked over to him. Shaking his shoulder that wasn't bruised.

"Alright come on. Wake up." However, Merlin didn't budge. He stayed in dream land. Arthur crouched down and looked at Merlin sleeping face. His cheek pressed against the metal. Spit trailing down the surface of the armor.

Arthur smiled and raised his hand and gently moved his thumb over the servants long black eyelashes. "Alright, come here." He said standing up and pulling Merlin into a sitting up position. The prince grabbed the breast plate and placed it on the ground. Trying to stay as quiet as possible.

Without any trouble Arthur brought Merlin into his arms. One arm underneath his knees and one across his back. He didn't even strain himself. Which reminded him of how small Merlin really was.

He got a few weird looks from servants as he walked back to his room. But he ignored them. He pushed the door open with his foot and carefully moved the other in his arm into the room with him.

He knew he shouldn't, but he couldn't help himself. He placed Merlin down onto the bed. The side the prince would normally sleep on. He moved to the other side and pulled the blankets up. Moving them out of the way. Then went back to the other side to pick Merlin back up. Once the servant was laying on the other side of the bed Arthur pulled the blankets over him. Then gently raised his hand and let his thumb grazed the others' eyelashes once more before he moved to his desk. He had papers that needed to be read and a speech to write.


Heyyyy...been awhile. Heheh. Sorry not sorry. Please tell me about any mistakes in this story. So that I can fix the misspelled words. Or misplaced comas.

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