chapter 4: day 1- bad timing Giaus

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Knock knock

"Sire, it Gaius. You called for my services."

Merlin watched with wide eyes as the prince pushed himself back into the other chair. He himself pushed hard against the wood behind him.

"Ar..." Merlin's voice stopped by the princes.

"Come in Gaius!" Arthur ran his fingers through his blonde hair, messing it up more than it already was.

The old man pushed open the door. His medical bag hanging from his shoulder. He walked with a limp and stood in front of the blonde.

"Sire, you summoned me. Are you alright? What ills you?" He asked.

"It's not me. There was an incident at the training field." Arthur gestured to the dark-haired male in the room. "Merlin is the one in need of assistant."

Gaius looked over to Merlin. Concern for the man he considered a son. The woven medical kit was set on the table. His aged eyes looked at the younger and asked what happened.

Merlin told him the events that lead to him having an aching pain in his shoulder and side. Not wanting to tell him everything but the spell wouldn't let him leave out the Arthur came to his rescue part.

Arthur looked on in thought. About his racing heart, and about the more then concerning action he was about to do before Gaius had knocked.

He knew what he felt for the serving boy. He knew what he was about to do. The prince wasn't going to lie to himself. That he will never do. Ignoring it and pretending it never happened that's another story.

"Alright, take off your shirt. Let's have a look." Gaius said and waited for him to do as told. The air was tight around Merlin's throat. He breathed deeply and his fingers gripped the end of his shirt. He really didn't want to but he sighed and gave into his fate.

He didn't dare look at Arthur as he slowly peeled the clothing away from his skin and hesitantly pulled it up and over his head. Gritting his teeth at the pain in his shoulder.

Gaius went to work poking and prodding a now shirtless Merlin. The only thing covered on his upper body would be his arms. Covered in bandages, that had turned brown from dirt and grim. And loosened from the morning's events.

Merlin's eyes stayed focused on the floor as Gaius inspected his bruised shoulder and ribs. Merlin saw from the corner of his eye Gaius glaring at the footprint sized discoloration of his side.

Gaius asked Merlin to lift his arm, and with help from the older mans hands was able to get it up and raised in the air. Even if it was painful to do. Once Gaius let go Merlin put his arm back down and crossed them over his chest. Minding his ribs and trying not to put pressure there. Only trying to cover himself, very aware of the prince's eyes on him.

"Nothing seems to be broken, just some bruises. It will be fine in a couple days, the pain should lessen by tomorrow morning," Gaius said rummaging through his medical kit. Vial clicking together. He pulled out a medium sized, glass vial with a brown liquid inside and handed it to Arthur.
"Just have him take a sip of this in the morning and at dinner. I'm giving this to you because I don't want him taking any more than necessary. It can be dangerous to his health."

Arthur nodded and took the vial. He remembered a day where Merlin just drank the whole medicine bottle thinking it would work faster that way. He ended up puking on the floor in the hall. So Arthur didn't question Gaius giving him the vial.

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