Chapter 6

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                                                              ~Luke's pov~

              "Trent, what's wrong?", I ask. Is it because of the almost kiss? He keeps looking down the rode. Crap! I totally disgust him now! This is bad! He looks at me and gives me a fake smile. I am so confused!! He takes my hand and kisses it.

     "Wanna go see whats going on down there?", he asks. I nod and he smiles and leads me down the rode. When we get there I see my dad. He's a police man. He sees me and smiles and comes over to us. Trent looks nervous and eager. Dad asks what we where doing here.

     "I was jogging and I saw Trent and we started talking and then we saw police cars drive by and stop here. So we came over to check it out, What happened?", I say. Trent looks around eagerly and I look at him weird.

    "Well looks like this place has got robbed. We couldn't the kids. We're still looking though. You boys should get going now. I'll get Jeff to give you a ride", dad says. I nod and dad goes to ask Jeff if that'll be ok. Jeff nods and he motions for us to come over there. I hug him and he laughs.

   Jeff is 19. He started doing his training and stuff early so now it's paid off. He's always been my friend since I met him. He's like an older brother. He opens the door and I get in the front and Trent gets in the back. I can tell he's uncomfortable so I smile back at him. Jeff gets in and we start talking about random stuff.

                                                                 ~Trent's pov~

     There's a good thing and a bad thing. Good thing is, the boys aren't in trouble. I was pissed because well, if the boys would've got in trouble, it wouldv'e been my fault. The bad thing? I'm in the back of a police car! And I think Luke has a thing for this Jeff guy. Which makes me extremely jealous! Jeff keeps saying stuff and making Luke laugh. THAT IS MY JOB!

      Jeff asks me where I live and I tell him. He drops me off and I think him. When I start to get out I kiss Luke's cheek and smrk and Jeff. Luke looks like he could shit himself and I go on in the house. TAKE THAT JEFF!

                                                              ~Luke's pov~

         When Trent kissed my cheek I felt so embarresed. But really happy at the same time. Then another part was mad. Why would he do that? I am definitely gonna call him tonight. When Trent goes in his house Jeff laughs. "That was awkward. He your boyfriend", Jeff says.

    Jeff knows I'm gay. As a matter of fact, he's the first person I told that I was gay. I shrug at his question and he laughs. "I want him to be, I guess. But we've just met. Earlier tonight. Legit. But he makes me feel so happy. Like, extremely happy. I don't know what it is", I tell him. He looks at me and smiles. "What?".

     "Luke, can I ask you a question?", He asks. I nod and look at him curiously. "Do you believe in first love?". I shrug. I guess I do. But I don't really know. He smiles. "So, what where your first thoughts when you saw that boy?".

     "His name is Trent. And now that you mention it, my heart stopped. I felt like, he was the only person in the world", I say. Remember that episode of Hannah Motnanna where she sees that Jake dude it all goes blury or foggy, except him? It was like that. "Why do you ask?".

    "Do you think it's possibe that you love Trent?", he asks. I'm kindave taken aback at the question. Is it possible? Like, really? Is it? It does sort of seem that way. This is really confusing. At this point, I have no clue what to think. It is pretty possible that I might love him. I shrug and put my face in my hands. "I think you do bud. He seems like a good guy. This is your stop". I thank him and get out of the car. He stops me before I close the door. "Think about it, call him". I nod and close the door.  Then go into the house where mom is sitting with Sabrna.

     "Luke! Where have ya been!", She says. "We've been worried sick! There's been a robbery! You weren't in on it where you?! Oh Luke I'm so glad you're okay!", she rambles. I laugh and hug her. This woman can be crazy.

     "I'm fine momma. I was jogging and I saw Trent. Then I started talkiing to him for a while then we heard sirens and went to check it out. Dad was over there and we found out what happened. Then Jeff gave us a ride home.", I say. She hugs me again and tells me to go to bed. I nod.

    I go up to my room and change into my shorts and no shirt. I lay on the bed. I told mom and dad that me and Trent where just talking. But that wasn't the truth. We almost kissed. I start doing a little happy dance with my legs. AH!!! I decide to call him and check on him.

      I pick my phone up and click his contact that says Trent <3 :). "Hi Luke", he says. I smile and blush. How'd he know it was meee? Hehe! Gosh I am such a girl! But hey, it's Trent, so that's okay. "You okay?".

    "Oh yeah! Just thinkng! Sorry! I'm fine. How are you?", I ask, thinkng about his actions earlier today. I hear him sigh and then a door opening and a small childs voice. Sophie. She tells him she had a bad dream and he told her she could sleep with him. I smile at his amazingness.

     "I'm good, and thinkng about what?", he says. I can totally hear the hint of teasing in his voice. I roll my eyes and laugh. "Stuff", I reply. He laughs and I do too. "So, pretty boy, what tempted you to call me?", he says.

     "Just wanted to know how you're doing. Oh and what persuaded you to kiss me", I say the last part quickly. "Oh and how you knew it was me who was callng. Are you a banshee? Cause those things are weirder than hell! Can you believe Meridith wa the benefactor? WHAT A PLOT TWIST!".

     Trent laughs. "Luke your ranting", he says. I blush. "And to answer your other questions, I'm fine. I was jealous. And I just had a feeling. More like a hope I guess. Oh and I totally saw the Meridith thng coming. The Peter thing was a trist though. ". Jealous? Hope? "Yes Luke, I was jealous. Jeff was totally flirting". I lay there astonished. More astonished that HE WATCHES TEEN WOLF!

   "Jeff is like a brother to me! He wasn't flirting!", I aruge. He laughs and tells me goodnight and hangs up.

   Maybe I am falling in love with him... if I'm not in love already...


      A/N: AW! Dedication to Trent cause he had a bad first day :( I wuv woo! :P Hope you enjoyed! You're cute and I'll see ya soon!




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