Chapter 2

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                                                                  ~Trent's pov~

          Sup, I'm Trent. I have black hair that I usually wear it spiked up or I have a beanie on. I have green eyes and I suppose a nice smile? But if you catch me smiling I probably killed someone. But that's illegal...Wouldn't be the first time I've done something illegal.

     I make it seem like I'm the baddest bad boy ever. Yeah, I'm not. I do some rebelious things but nothing major. I smoke. I drink. I party. I have a tattoo. But the worst of all according to my father, I'M GAY.

    My dad is such a fucking homophobic it isn't even funny. It's aggravating! I like cock. That's plain and simple! He's such a fucking ass! Don't get me started on my mom! She's just the same! I don't see the big idea. I like the same gender, that's it. Dumb ass people need to take a giant step back.

    I have a little sister. Her name is Sophie. She's literally the only reason I'm still around. There are plenty of times that I would be sitting in a corner with a knife in my hand, and I would hear her knocking on my door, singing. It was one of her favorite things to do. I would quickly put the knife down and fake a smile for her. But it wasn't long before the smile came natural. I guess you could say she's my life saver.

     That's it. That's me. Have a nice ass day.

     A/N: So, that's Trent! Isn't he cute? Do ya ship it? So different. Next chapter, THEY MEET. If ya want to, comment and vote. You're cute and I'll see ya soon! LOVE YOU! <3


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