Chapter 4 Yuri's game

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-We meet again Josh.It all begins here.Your friends will suffer terribly

unless you decide to surrender so that I could kill you.

-You know this is not going to happen soon.

-We shall see.One of your friends it is already suffering.He will soon die.

-I will find a way to save him.

-You can not save him.My magic it is so powerfull that nothing can break it unless you stronger than me but because you are a vampire you can not practice magic.Enough with the talk the game begins now.

As soon as he dissapeared I heard Veronica screaming.I went to see what happened and I found her lying down.

-Do not come any closer she said as she was slowing dying away.

-I tried to get any closer but she was protected by a force field.

-I casted a draining spell on her.It will slowly weaken her until she will finally die.The only way to break both my spells is by casting a more powerfull one.

-I will save her

-Time is no longer on your side Josh then he dissapered.

In the meantime Violetta has found all the ingredients and returned to Claire.

-I have found all the the ingredients please hurry and do the magic.

They rushed  to save Nero but it was to late he was dead.

-Claire where are you? Josh said at the phone.

-I tried to save your friend but he is dead.

-I am sorry for him but we have a bigger problem right now.Can you come here quickly?

-I will do my best.

When she arrived she said that we need some powerfull ingredients to break the spell.But as things are never easy.Yuri has send a pack of werewolves to kill us.

-I will kill them instantly I said.

-Do not do that.They are controlled by Yuri's magic.I will easily break that spell.

After she broke that spell Yuri arrived and sad:

-Well done my friends.I see you have a witch friend.And most importantly you managed to break my spell.

-I am more powerfull than you think Claire replied.

-Unfortunately for your friend over there time is running out.

While Yuri was busy with us I sent Violetta to gather those ingredients: eye of a nut,rock salt and blood of a witch.I taught she was safe I was terribly wrong she had been captured by Yuri discipoles.

-Your friend is mine now see you later.

I had to make a difficult choice should I stay here and try to somehow break this spell or should I save Violetta.

I decided to try and save Violetta even though I risked letting Veronica die.

Upon aproaching the cave where Veronica was I discovered at the entrance the ingredients I needed so I proceeded.

I saw Violetta tied up and screaming.

-Violetta do you hear me?

-She can not hear you she is trapped in my illusionary spell.You can save using those ingredients or you can save Veronica.

-I decided to save Violetta even though the risks were high.

I used the four ingredents while Claire casted the spell and so we freed her.

-Are you ok?

-Yes I am.Let's try and save Veronica.

-This game is not over Josh I will find a way to defeat you and your friends.

After we exited the cave when we arrived Veronica was no longer there.She was safe near a tree.

-How did you managed to escape?

Before she could answer me a mysterious voice said:

-I saved her said the mysterious voice.

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