Chapter 2 Welcome to the new world

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A lot of things have changed while I was in that coffin.The world right now seems like a different place far away from the world I knew.

Even now I remember the day I meet Nero like it was yesterday.I meet him in Italy 175 years ago dying from a gunshot wound so I offered him a sollution immortality and he accepted.

The first thing he decided to show me was the university.It was called Mystic University and it was big and quite luxurious.Here both humans and supernatural creature learn how to coexist peacefully.

There are different classrooms for humans,werewolves and vampires.

As I passed by them I saw Veronica.It was in the werewolf classtroom.

-So you are a wetewolf?

-A royal one she replied.

She told me that royal ones are more powerfull than normal ones.A royal werewolf can easily overpower and kill at least 3-4 normal ones.

We finally arrived im vampire classroom.Even though I was not here to study I decided to stay and learn something although they were boring things for me since I am one of the first vampires.

In one of the breaks we continued our tour when I saw a shadow whatching me.I do not know what or who was that.

I arranged a meeting with Nero at the city bar. As soon as I entered the bar Nero told me that we must leave now.


-Because someone is following us.

Luckily Nero knew an underground place only accesable to vampire.

-He is with me,he said to the guard.

Although the guard was doubtfull he let us in.

This place was so dark and earie perfect for a vampire.

-We will stay here for a while.There is the our meal Nero said pointing towards a few people.

-I taught only vampires are allowed here.

-We only keep them as food.

Nero then introduced me Violetta.She was the leader of the vampires and much older than my friend.She was more than 500 years old.

-You must be new around here.I am Violetta.

-Yes I know you.I am Josh an original vampire.

Suddenly we heard a powerfull noise outside our shelter.We rushed outside only to find the guard dead with the following message next to him:

-You are next Josh alongside with your friends.

The first vampiresOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora