Chapter Twenty-Six

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~6 days until Peyton leaves~

I wake up and couldn't open my lungs. The tent was laying on me, and I felt like I couldn't move. Somehow, I get my feet out of the tents door. I wiggle my way out of the tent and stuck a breath in. I walk and sit on the log. I managed to get my breathing  back to normal.

I dug a match out of the box. I laid a log on the fire-pit and lit the match. I throw it out the log and grab one of the metal sticks. I grabbed a normal pack of hot-dogs and shove one on my stick. I place it in the fire until it was black.

When I finish my hot-dog, I make one for Peyton. I walk over to the tent and sit on the outline of the boy. He started laughing and said, "Katherine, can I get up?"

"I don't know..." I said with a laugh.

"Please?" He responded.

"Only if you eat this hot-dog." I say and stand up. He wiggled from the tent and stood up.

"I said no cooking." Peyton looked in my eyes.

"I said I was hungry." I smile.

"You're like a walking death trap." He said. "An adorable, walking death trap."

"You're darn right adorable." I say and hold the hot-dog out to him.

"Thanks." He laughs and takes the stick.

"Eat!" I say, he was just looking at me. "Now, Peyton Lee Meyer!"

"Wanna play on the boat?" He asked after taking a bite.

"Uh, yeah! When's your mom picking us up?" I asked.

"Later," Peyton shrugged.

We walk hand-in-hand to the boat. I sit on the seat, and Peyton sat in front of me. He grabbed the paddles and started to make his way out on to the middle of the lake. The sun was shining through the tree branches and fish were jumping in various parts of the water. You could hear cows on the other side of our private campsite.
Where the freak are we? Cows in Hollywood?

"Where are we?" I ask.

"Camping." He laughed.

"Camping where?" I ask in frustration

"A campsite. Why are you worrying about it?" Peyton asked letting the current float us down the river.

"I worry about things." I shrug.

"Well, stop. I'm here now." He smiled over at me.

"I will." I walk over and place a kiss on his lips.

"I love you," He says

"I love you, too." I say and place a kiss on the soft skin on his neck.

"Forever." He says.

"Promise?" I laugh and hold out my pinkie.

"Swear." He said. He drew an x on his heart with his finger, and wrapped his pinkie around mine.

"You didn't laugh." I say and stare into his eyes.

"Because I mean it." Peyton says and releases my finger.

"I mean it too." I smile and kiss him.

After the kiss we just sit on the boat. We were entangled in each others arms. The birds still snag, cows still mooed, fish still jumped. But Peyton and I didn't do anything, we just sat there in each others arms. The sun was warming up warming up my body from the cool morning. Everything was perfect.

That was until Peyton got a phone call. I had to unravel myself from his arms. When I do, I sit on the other side of the boat. I didn't like hearing Peytons private calls, but what should I do? Swim away? Funny.

"Yeah...Yeah...We aren't Mom...

Mhm...Yup...No...Mom! Stop!" He yelled into the phone.

I laughed at his expression. I heard Liz ask if we 'did it' it not. It was priceless to watch him freak out.
Should I peddle back? Yeah, lets do that.

I grab the paddle and Peyton shakes his head at me. "Peyton! I can freakin' help!" I yell stubbornly.

"Katherine, I got it." He says.

"Peyton! I'm not a baby! Let me do it!" I yelled.
Why is he treating me this way?

"Hang on mom," He says to the phone.

"No! Give me the paddle!" I yelled and ripped the paddle from his hands.

"Katherine!" He yelled.

"Fine! Take the stupid thing!" I yell and cross my arms.

"Katherine, is it that big of a deal?" Peyton asked, he doesn't like to raise his voice, and he didn't.

"Apparently! You treat me like a five year old! Let me do what the freak I want!" I yelled. I always yell.
Are Peyton and I too different? Did I say accept this ring too early?

"Katherine, what's this really about?" He asked.

"It's about you not letting me do what I want!" I yelled.
What was this about?

"Katherine, please." He pleads.

"Please what? Move into your house? Move in on your family? Mess up your life? Let you treat me like a baby? I'd rather not!" I yelled with all the power in my lungs.

"No! Please talk to me!" Peyton yelled. The only time he yelled, was when he couldn't handle anything anymore. I didn't like he this way.

"I am talking to you!" I yelled.

"Baby, please! Stop acting this way! Let someone love you! Why do you have to be so stubborn?!" Peyton yelled at me.

"Just take me home," I yelled.

"Okay." Peyton say sadly. He started peddling back to the dock.

We get off the boat and I walk away from him. I can't be around him right now.
I'm a big girl! I should be treated as such!

I march to the road and see Liz coming my way. She stops the car and looks at me wildly.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Peyton and I are arguing. He treats me like a baby, and I hate it." I mumbled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Things will get better. Fighting is part of relationships." Liz said in a motherly way.

"Thanks Liz." I smile and climb in the front next to her.

"Lets go get him." She laughed.

"Do have to?" I joked.

"Nope." She said. "Just kidding, I love that boy to death."

"I know, I do too." I smiled at her.

"And he loves you, even if he sucks at showing it." She says and started driving in Peyton's direction

(A/N) Why can't I leave things nice?

Anyways thanks for reading, I love you all in your own way.

If I don't replay to you when you comment, it's because my phone never works right.

QOTC: Dose KD have a right to be mad at Peyton? And, would you be mad at him?

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