I took a cautious step closer to the door, his words from the day before ringing through my head and instilling my apprehension even further.

He frowned tiredly, "Come off it, let's go."

Quickly I listened and slipped out of the cell and into the hallway, the open door was calling my name to just bolt out of here and try to escape again. There was no way I'd be successful in this close proximity to him though and I wasn't trying to get myself into any more trouble than I already seemed to be by Azrael's standards.

I cleared my throat quietly, shifting from foot to foot in front of him. "Change of heart?" I queried with the slightest inkling of mockery in my tone.

"Listen, you're more than welcome to stay here if you want to keep this up." He warned.

My eyes widened and I instantly shook my head in compliance. Azrael rolled his eyes before walking towards the door, waving behind his back for me to follow him. Just like before, walking out of the jail into the light was blindingly painful. I squinted through the light and continued after my mate.

He seemed slightly different today. Don't get me wrong, he was still crazy, kidnapping, megalomaniac but he didn't seem as hell bent on my demise as before. I wondered if the mate bond was taking a toll on him as well.

He walked ahead of me not bothering to check behind to make sure I was still following because I think we both knew deep down that it would not bode well for me. Azrael guided me away from the jailhouse and away from the courthouse, towards a regal looking dark mansion at the center of the grounds.

Upon walking in, it was obvious that this was his home. Only an alpha wolf would have an establishment as grand as this. It made me miss home.

My friends and other pack members ventured beyond the walls of our pack all to save me and what did I do about it? Basically shat in their faces. It haunted me.

"I had our elders working all night for you."

His voice brought me back into reality once more. For me? What could that possibly mean.

Azrael led me into a large sitting room where there was a table at the very center. He walked over and picked up a small box from the edge before returning back to me.

He held out the box and placed it into my hesitant hands. I lifted the lid slowly, half expecting something to spring out and kill me based off of Mallory's behavior in the cells earlier. But it wasn't some kind of trap, lying in the box was a delicate bracelet. It was a slim golden band with a shiny black stone at the center. I'd never seen a rock like that before in my life, it was almost glowing with a black aura around it but surely I was mistaken.

I stared down at the bracelet in utter and complete confusion before directing my puzzled and slightly terrified face back to Azrael. "Why?" It was all I could manage at the moment.

Why would someone who so vocally announced his disdain towards me suddenly offer me such a beautiful piece of jewelry.

"You're my mate." He shrugged innocently, "I'll admit, thing got off to a rocky start yesterday. This is the least I can do to try and begin to make up for my behavior."

This was getting even more weird...

I opened my mouth once to try and formulate some kind of proper response but I lacked the right words. He thought a bracelet would make up for: kidnapping me, almost sentencing me to death, hurting my friends and having me thrown in jail multiple times?

Mercy and the Merciless AlphaWhere stories live. Discover now