"No, I know that but do you know everything about him? What makes him happy, what makes him tick, what he wants out of life" She asked and I nodded. Of course I knew that. I knew that before we even decided to start dating. "What about his past?" She asked.

"Jen what are you trying to do here?" Marie asked confused. "Open her eyes to show her it's not just kisses and hugs with love. I just want to make sure she doesn't run when things get tough. I want what's best for Cameron, it's been hard for him" she answered and that actually pissed me off a bit. Maybe this is why he didn't want to be around his family much.

"We do too. He's been through a lot in these past weeks and she's been by his side through it all" Marie said. It was as if I wasn't even here anymore. Jen rolled her eyes looking back at me then going down my arm. "What's that on your arm?" I looked down confused and realize she was talking about my tattoo.

"Tattoo" "What does it day?" She asked. "And I never will" "Huh?" she asked confused. "Cameron has the other part" I whispered growing more nervous. I knew this wouldn't help our situation at all.

"Three months and a tattoo?" Jen asked a little displeased. "I think it's cute" Mary said. Diane and Marie agreed. I smiled giving them a low thank you as Jen looked at it. I was getting really annoyed by her.

"What if something happens? Then you're stuck with that?" I took a deep breath.

"No offense Jen, but your opinion about our relationship doesn't really matter. I love Cameron and he loves me. This wasn't even for our relationship, it was for our love towards each other. So even if this wasn't to work out, I still want him to remember I will always be there for him like he would be for me" I said quickly kind of regretting how I phrased it. I think I definitely could have said it a little better.

She wasn't too pleased but what else is new?

"You're too young to say that you love him" she stated. "I don't think I am. He's the most important person in my life. I'm happy and I know it's early but, he's the one I want to spend the rest my life with" I stated looking at all of them then back to her. "That's what we want. That's what we planned to do when we go to California"

"What about your parents? What do they think?" She asked. It has nothing to do with my parents. They like him but even if they didn't, I would still do what makes me happy" I shot back glaring. Why couldn't she just be happy? He was happy so what was the problem?

"Okay let's calm-" Jen cut Diane off. "We want what's best for him" she stated. "That's all I want too. I want him happy just like you. It's been hard for him and I'm doing all I can to show him I am here and make sure he's okay but, I would really appreciate if you didn't judge our relationship. Yes it's only been three months but I don't regret them. We've had a little rough days but they just need what we have stronger. I love him, he loves me and that's all that I honestly really matters. But, being happy for him and not giving him another thing to worry about wouldn't hurt" I said walking out of the kitchen.

I searched for him once I walked out of the kitchen. Maybe he was with his father and if that was true I would just wait. After a few minutes alone I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to see Marie smiling. I bit my lip looking down "Listen I know that was out of line but-" "Oh relax will you. She deserved it, she's the oldest so she acts like she knows everything but you shut her up" she said smiling.

"You kn -" "Yes I know you love that boy. We all do and we're happy he has you because honestly he was a lost cause back then" she said and I frowned looking around again to find him outside with his father but he didn't look happy. "I'll be right back" she said and I looked back at her smiling and nodding.

Once she walked away, I walked closer to the window nervous. He was pissed and it seemed to be directed all towards his father once again. Last time that happen, his anger got the best of him. I was hoping it wasn't the case this time but I wanted to be close just in case. I stayed near the window but out of sight from them.

"Cameron you need to relax. You're wr - " You just don't quit do you! It's her birthday and you have her with you the whole time?" Cam roared. I frowned and jump turning as someone touched me. I turned to see Diane with her hands up "Sorry" I nodded with a smile. "It's okay" "You seemed upset. I hope Jen -" I shook my head. "No I'm okay" I lied and she looked out the window as Cameron's voice got louder.

She sighed rolling her eyes "I'll go get them. We're about to say a prayer for Michelle anyway" I nodded as Marie called my name motioning for me to come over as they formed a circle. I quietly made my way over and grabbed her hand as Jen surprisingly grabbed my other. She looked at me and gave me a small smile "I apologize for interrogating you like that" "Don't worry about it" "I was hard on you when I can see he's better with you" I nodded "You don't want him hurt. It's understandable but that's the thing, I want the same thing-"

My mind instantly zoned out as I saw him walking towards the circle joining it across from me. All I did was stare at him but, he didn't look up and I could see he was still tense. I needed to talk to him.

"Let us bow our heads"

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