Chapter 5: Beginnings and Endings

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Aygul led me to the place. When we got there, I was surprised to find an old archway made of limestone covered with ivy. The arch is a portal to another realm. From what I can remember Crone's lesson, a fairy made this portal. It is meant to keep out unwanted visitors like humans who happen to come upon the archway. When humans walk through archway, they simply appear on the other side of the archway but they will feel a tinge of energy emitting from the archway.

Lucky for me, Alex forged a jade phoenix pendant to help me mask my humanness. So, when an immortal sees me, they will think I am immortal, too. Despite this necklace, I still held my breath because I feared that necklace won't work under the arch.

We went through the arch and a surge of energy through my body.

"Breathe, Reina. We made it. You must stand behind me," said Aygul as he gently push me to back of him.

I was about to open my mouth to protest his chauvinistic suggestion but I understood his reasons. If we were to meet with opposition, then I can better prepare to defend myself. We went through many halls before we reached the Council chambers. It was where Alex's trial being held. The room was crowded will all sorts of immortals. The room was filled with voices. I spotted Alex standing in a cage with his hands cuffed. He was surrounded by the five council members in their chairs behind the u-shaped bench.

The council is made up of Delana the Elf of the Black Forest, Aeneas the Fairy of Killarney, Alexandros the Demon of the North Skiathos, Onur the Therianthropy of Black Sea a-and Grigore, my grandfather the vampire of the Bukovina. There used to be human-magic user council member. The chair had been abolished because Ciaran, the last human magic-user member tried to kill other council members with his powers. As a result of the Ciaran incident, there has been negativity towards mortals and Halflings. I know each council member very well because Alex always believed knowledge empowers one in battle and trial.

The trial began with Alexandros, the demon council member saying:

"We are here to give justice to one of our own, Princess Helen Nowak of Evergreen Sudetens. She has been taken against her will and violated by the defense, Lord Alex Yilmaz of Yosemite Valley. Now, before we proceed with trial, is there anyone who would oppose these charges?"

"I do," I said I struggle to get up from my seat because Aygul tried to pull me back down.

"May I ask who you are?"

"I am Reina Yilmaz of the Yosemite Valley."

"How are you related to Lord Alex? Why do you oppose these charges?"

"I am his adopted daughter. I oppose these charges because I was the one who saved and healed, her majesty, Princess Helen. If you have truly investigated it, then you would have known this."

"Why you insolent-"

"Your Honorable, please forgive my daughter because she is too young to know our ways," Alex said pleadingly.

I always didn't react well to authority especially the ones like the Council. I mean, why should give MOFs respect when they unjustly killedl my parents. I knew I must refrain from my anger over losing my parents to the Council and its laws. I had to do something that never came easily for me.

"Forgive me for questioning your service to the people, your Honorable Council members."

"I will dismiss on account that you're still young. Do you have any evidence that upholds your belief in Alex's innocence?"

I reached into my pocket and presented them with blue crystal ord.

"This is my evidence, the Memoriam orb. As a magic user hunter, I always carry it with me on my hunts. The Memoriam helps as a hunter and magic user by giving me the ability to review my hunts."

Forgive me, Alex, I'm going to bring up bad memories for your mate but it is the only way I can save you. The Memoriam showed me arriving on the scene just as one of the male magic-user was zipping his pants up. The others readied themselves by rubbing their "manly" things. I took quick action and knocked each of the magic users out with one swift hit to the neck. I picked the naked, bloody and bruised Helen from the ground. At that time, I didn't know who Helen was. I made contact with Alex. I told Alex to quickly teleport me to his place. The scene has completely changed to Alex's guess bedroom where Helen laid injured. It ended showing me and Alex tending to Helen's wounds.

"Why you didn't contact the proper authorities?"

"Because Alex and I were afraid that the security at Princess Helen's home had been compromised. We didn't know who we can trust."

"Is that all of what you have to say?"

"Yes, you're honorable."

"Very well, we close chamber and discuss this new evidence."

As this was said, people started to walk towards the exit. Aygul quickly grabbed my hand and led me to the exit. Aygul and I huddled to corner of a hall across from the Council's chamber.

"Aygul, do you think they will find Alex innocent?"

"Of course, Lady Reina."

"I have to agree with him," said another voice and I saw it was Ethan.

I saw the surprise on her face when I saw me. I still can't believe she told me earlier. I really don't want to believe that how I feel about her is due to Transference bond. How can this woman be the one who rescued me all those years ago? Of course, it was her because she is strong hunter like me, her mate but why is she always bent running away from me?

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