"Hey, isn't this where Annabeth wanted to go? Midtown?" Leo interrupted, admiring the fine details of the card. 

A hint of sadness washed over Malcolm's face. "Yeah. It's hard to transfer in, though, especially with the attendance problem and everything."

"She didn't get in?" Mary Kate asked, confused, and Malcolm was fully aware they had already drifted off topic. 

"She didn't apply, it ended up making more sense for her to go to Goode-"

Leo snorted. "She just wanted to stake claim to her man."

"No," Malcolm said  harshly, knowing the full extent of her reasoning, while the two girls giggled softly. "But moving on. Bad tangent."

Mary Kate eyed her own ID, skepticism written on her features. "Why would we go to study in the middle of July? School doesn't start until September here."

Malcolm nodded. "Yeah, that's why we "go" to Midtown. They're specialized, they have labs open and optional classes over the summer."

Harriet looked disgusted. "Why the Hades would anyone optionally go to school in the summer?"

"To learn?" Mary Kate defended. "To practice hacking so Iron Man doesn't shoot us with a tank missile when you fail?"

"Okay, but if there's a way to go, between that or anything else? I would gladly be blown to bits by Stark tech," Leo argued. The other two considered it briefly before nodding along.

Malcolm shook his head, tense. "Guys, stop. We have to go, come on. We're already late."

He stormed away towards the tree on the hill, leaving the three. 

"He's really worried about them," Mary Kate said softly as they watched him go. The silence that fell over them allowed the fact to settle heavily in their stomachs, before they grabbed their equipment and lumbered quietly after him.


The drive was long. 

Long for four demigods at least; it was only supposed to last an hour and a half, but with their late start, traffic made it almost two. Malcolm obsessed over the details, not that Leo could really blame him.

Everything was pretty high stakes.

It retrospect, the plan seemed simple. Pretend to study, Mary Kate would hack on her laptop while the rest kept a lookout. If something went wrong, Harriet could pull an Obi-Wan on the staff and wipe their memories. 

Everything would be fine. 

Leo's excitement peaked when Argus pulled up to the curb outside of the tower, the bright blue letters STARK crisp and beautiful against the Manhattan skyline. The panels leading up the high-rise glistened against the sun, and he could almost hear Annabeth raving about the architecture, about the clean-energy, about the streamlined design and hidden supports. 

Percy's eyes would glaze over when she began her academic rants, but Leo would've appreciated someone to oogle the building with him. At the moment, his company was uncomfortably silent. 

"Are you guys ready?" Malcolm huffed, shouldering his bag. 

Mary Kate took a shaky breath, patting her purple laptop bag. "No, but let's do it."

A minute later their feet were echoing off the lobby walls, their shadows elongated by the late afternoon sun. The son of Athena led the three through security then to the main reception desk as Leo struggled to not burst into flames in awe. He stared at the elevator as Malcolm talked. 

Wanted (A Percy Jackson/Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. crossover)Where stories live. Discover now