Chapter 15: Jealousy Is A Bad Default

Start from the beginning

"So" She started. She placed her cigarette away, focusing on her black haired friend. "What's new? Did you win Rae's heart?" The turquoise haired teen was also Rachel's friend, even if they didn't saw each other a lot and in addition, Lesly wasn't even going to the same school, in fact, she was in a school in Los Angeles.

There was a discomfort in the room. "Jason said that Rachel slept with the new guy"

"Oooh" Granger made a line with her lips. "Well... at least I have good news for you" The green eyes of the teenager widened in hope. Suddenly, a girl with long black hair and brown eyes came in from another entry. She was wearing a white shirt with Wonder Woman's logo on it, blue jeans, brown boots, a black jacket with a big white star in the back and a beautiful necklace with a gold star surrounded in red.

Todd gasped in shock. "DONNA"


Monday September 7, 2015
Jason and Rachel were in the park, chatting together. When Dick walked to them with a girl. "Hey guys, sorry for bothering you but, I wanted to present to you my friend, Donna Troy" Richard told them.

"Hi, Dick told me a lot about all of you guys" The two 13 years olds shook Donna's hand.

After that, the time passed and the girl became Rachel and Jason's friend, along with two other persons, Hank and Dawn.

Thursday May 19, 2016
Jason, Donna and Rachel were all at Hank's party. Hank Hall had brown hair and pale brown eyes while Dawn had completely white hair and dark brown eyes. They were all partying, drinking, dancing and everything. While Rachel, who had black hair, and Jason were dancing together, Richard entered in the house hand in hand with Dawn Granger, something that made Hank really angry since he loved her, but the problem was that he had a bad temper and was getting jealous easily. The black haired girl walked to the new couple. "You guys are finally dating?" They nodded happily. "Oh my gosh, I'm so happy for you. We so gotta celebrate this, c'mon"

Everyone enjoyed the party. Well, everyone except the host. He was frowning as he stared at the couple dancing together and even kissing sometimes. Kory Anders was talking with Donna and she surprisingly seemed happy for her friend. The two girls were close friends, they wouldn't let the other alone. At that time, Troy was dating Kyle Rayner, a guy with black hair and a tanned skin. Victor was in the company of Jinny while Kora was with her friends, Tara, Kitty and Anabella.

Grayson was about to kiss his new girlfriend. It enraged the boy and he walked to them. Meanwhile, Jason was about to have his first kiss with his crush, Rachel Roth. Unfortunately for him, the girl saw Hank and since she immediately knew what was gonna happen, she ran to her best friend, Dawn, and she moved her away from the boys. The girls joined Kory, Donna and Kyle far away from the battle that was going to start.

Hank pushed Dick. "Bro, what the heck" Richard asked his friend. Jason ran to them, trying to prevent a big fight. Hall punched Richard's jaw and the fight started. They fought each other for a long time.

Rachel was beside Jason, who gave up on stopping the fight. He was hugging her. Kory and Donna tried to prevent Dawn from running to her boyfriend, but to no avail, the white haired girl got out if their grasp.

She separated the boys and hugged her boyfriend, Grayson. When she pulled away, she walked closer to Hank Hall and she slapped him hard. "What the hell Hank, what's your problem? Dick's your friend... why do you have to be such a jerk?" His brown eyes widened and before he could say or do anything, Dawn and Richard were already gone and so was Donna, Jason, Victor, Kory and Rachel. Everyone started leaving the house and a regretting Hank behind.

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