Chapter Ten

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In a flash, I am on my feet, sprinting as fast as I can't. My feet sail over the mossy ground, and my vision starts to cloud. Smoke burns my nose as it thickens, and the feeling brings me back to another fire. 

"Ashlynn! Ashlynn!" My mother's distressed voice calls through the thick smoke. My small body is curled in a ball under a collapsed tree.

"Mama!" I cry, fear coursing through me. My nose burns as the fire nips at my heels. Trying to move, I scream.

"Ashlynn!" The voice comes now from my father. I feel the tree start to move. The fire enters my vision, and my green eyes widen. Right before it reaches me, I am dragged out the other side of the tree. My father throws me over his shoulder, taking off in a run. Watching the fire, I become perplexed. The orange flames peak over the forest, growing. They are spread as far as my eyes can see, seeming as if they go on forever. Smoke fills the air, putting a grey filter over everything. Animals run left and right. 

Papa runs through the trees, zig-zagging. He keeps a tight grip on me. 

"Malcolm!" My mother calls. Her voice full was full of panic.

"Get to the meadow and under the fence, don't stop running!" He cries. He picks up speed, running past the remains of our picnic. We enter the meadow, the grass blowing around us. When we reach the fence, he drops me, commanding me to go under. I do as he says. Seeing Mama at the end of the street I run to her. Her navy eyes widen and she mouths father's name. I turn on my heel to see Peace Keepers heading to the fence opening. They motion for Father to come into the district. Mama picks me up and takes off in a run. 

I trip over a stump, slamming to the ground, bringing my mind back. The fire is on me now. I pull my foot, but it is stuck on the branch. The fabric rips and I keep running, trying to get out of this sector of the arena. I notice a color shift in the grass and take a risk. I dive across the shift and pull my self forward. Whipping around I see the fire stopping. It retreats into oblivion, disappearing. I go to stand, using my left arm to help me up, and I notice the searing pain in it. Once I am standing, I gulp and slide my jacket down my arm. Bile rises up my throat as my eyes focus on the charred skin. It was blistered, turning a pinkish color. I gently touch it with my right hand and bite my tongue to hold back my scream. I turn to where I remember the pond being, and slowly set off. I almost reach my destination when I hear it, cheers. Multiple footsteps. The dread sinks

My feet move on their own accord, turning away from the pond and into the forest. The footsteps get louder and I rush to a tree. I'm about 12 feet off the ground and climbing when they rush through the overgrowth. 

"Well, well, well. Guess you really are the girl on fire." Clove snarls, looking at my arm. I continue to climb, stopping at a fork in the tree. Cato's eyes widen when he sees my arm, and they look almost pained. In a flash, the expression is replaced with a smirk.

"Hello, 12." He says, the danger in his voice. Even through the pain, I force the sarcastic act back. Cocking my head to the side, I smirk.

"How's the weather down there Porcius?" I ask, taunting. Glimmer lifts her upper lip in confusion, then turns to Peeta, who shrugs.

"It's a bit hot for my taste. How's it up there?" He responds, his voice getting darker. I tap my right hand to my lip as if contemplating. I regret it because now my arm is even more exposed. Might as well show them my weaknesses, am I right?

"Quite nice. You should come up here sometime." I say with a sly smile. While his facial features are hard in anger, his eyes glint.

"I think I will."

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