Chapter One

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The morning wind blows copper tendrils into my face. The mountain air smells of thick sugar maple and yellow birch. I stand from the stump I was sitting on, gazing out to the cliff at the end of the woods.

"It's pretty," Gale comments, rolling a piece of bread in his fingers. Katniss hums in response, popping a berry with her teeth. 

I grip the bow in my hand, forcing myself to keep a steady breath pace. Every year I panic. Every year I allow the dread to sink in, in fear that my name will be pulled from the reaping jar. 

But, this year is different. 

I know my name is being pulled. I will be in this years Hunger Games. 

"Ash, you there?" Katniss's voice rips me from my troublesome thoughts and I weakly smile. 

"Yeah, sorry." I step back from the bluff, and turn back towards the main trail.

"Let's head back."

I push open the wobbly door to our shack. Dust bunnies huddle in corners, and cobwebs drape across the windows like curtains. I slip my boots off, and rest my hunting bag on the table. Silence fills the air and fear slips into my bones.

"Mina?" I call, stepping closer to the small room in the corner of the shack. Turning the corner I let out a relieved sigh. 

Mina sits watching out the window, a tattered medal twisting in her hand. 

"I brought back some food that will last you a while," I say, sitting on the creaky bed next to her. She just nods. "If you need anything just let Katniss or Gale know. I'm leaving some money in the jar."

She says nothing, just continues to stare out the dust fogged window, twisting the medal in her hands. 

I watch the medal, my mind drifting back to that fateful day. 

District 12 is know as a mining district. That being said, most people end up working in the coal mines. 

And one day, a freak accident occurred. An explosion happened, killing hundreds of men. And one woman. 

It killed Katniss's dad, Gale's, and my own. Mina's husband was also killed in the accident. 

As was my mother. 

She made the decision last minute. Papa had forgotten a part of his lunch, so Mom went to give it to him. 

On a whim, a worker allowed her down into the mine shaft, which was against regulations. 

In a matter of minutes, it all blew. 

Soot filled the air, and panic spread like fire. 

According to Mina, I was huddled at the gate, my hands gripping to bar so hard they had turned pure white. Upon finding out about my parents, Mina took me in. And in return of her saving me, I vowed to do everything I could to protect her. 

Even if it meant illegal hunting. 

The warning alarm sounds, removing me from memories lane. Mina's hand reaches for my leg, and she turns with a weak smile. 

"Let's get you ready."

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