5~ When Checking up on you... (pt.1)

Start from the beginning

Our hug breaks and we both sit on the edge of his bed holding hands. "You know I appreciate what you did for me and why you did it but look what happened because of it Peter, I mean you got suspended from school and you got beat up! That's big and your mom doesn't seem to happy about it either." I rub his arm and he looks at me "I know I screwed everything up but the way he was talking and joking around about you and me got my blood boiling and I just couldn't keep it in you know," I nod my head "Yeah I do but you can't go around fighting someone just because they piss you off Peter." He nods his head looking down "I do appreciate you sticking up for me though, you know that right?" He looks at me and smiles which causes me to smile "Yes, but even if you didn't I still would've done it anyway because you're important to me." We're still sitting on his bed staring longingly into each other's eyes when I think 'damn this boy really knows how to make me feel special' We're seconds away from kissing, what do I do?

Since Peter and I still haven't talked about getting back together and his recent kiss with Gen I unlink our hands, wipe my tears and stand up just to make sure nothing happens. To move past that awkward moment he asks me a question "Speaking of school, why aren't you there now? I know you didn't get suspended." I go wide eyed but quickly try and change the subject "Hm you hungry because I'm kinda hungry. Mind if I eat something, thanks." I quickly make my way down stairs to the kitchen but Peter's close behind me "Lara Jean what are you not telling me?" He says while making his way into the kitchen. "I'm in the mood for a sandwich, you want one?" "Actually yes but can you please answer my question about why you're here instead of at school right now?" He locks eyes with me from across the counter "Okay um I wasn't feeling well this morning and daddy thought it'd be best if I just stayed home." I quickly say while nodding my head but since I'm a terrible liar he can tell I'm lying to him so he makes his way around the counter and puts his arms on both sides of me holding onto the counter so I won't be able to avoid him anymore. "Peter I'm trying to make us lunch!" He picks me up and sits me on the counter "Forget the lunch Lara Jean I want to know why you didn't go to school and it's not because you have a cold because you sound fine and the whole time I've known you, you have never missed school due to a small cold. So tell me the truth please." I give up and tell him to get my phone off the table, after he grabs it he unlocks it and smiles when he sees my wallpaper is still of us but I quickly tell him to go to my messages.

Since he's silent while looking through my phone I hop off the counter to start making our lunch "I started getting them after I left school yesterday and my plan was to go today and tough it out but I had an anxiety attack this morning and didn't really want to risk running into you or Gen so I begged daddy to stay home, he agreed today but said that I have to go back tomorrow and deal with it. But then Chris told me about your fight and I had to come see you." Peter's now watching me make the sandwiches "I'm sorry these are some nasty messages Covey, I had no idea." He says it like it's his fault I'm getting them. "Peter it's okay, I'm fine, well I was upset about it but Josh was with me before I-" I stopped talking when I noticed Peter's face fall at the mention of Josh's name, he looks hurt. "Peter are you okay?" He looks up at me "What um yeah fine Cov- no I'm not okay. Why didn't you come to me? I know we aren't exactly dating right now but I don't like Sanderson, he's got feelings for you and I know it." I laugh at Peter's comment "Wow someone's jealous! Peter Josh doesn't have feelings for me okay, he's my sisters ex boyfriend and he knows I don't feel that way towards him anymore, he knows I'm 'with you'. And I didn't go to you Peter because I wanted to avoid you because I didn't want to risk having the talk about us possibly 'getting back together'." I can tell my words hurt him "What do you mean? Why do you not want to get back together?" I finish making our sandwiches and start to put things away so I won't have to look at him "No, Yes, maybe! I don't know Peter!" I hurt him again and it's pretty obvious this time because his head is down and he's not speaking to me. "I didn't mean- I don't want to have the talk because I don't want to get hurt a second time Peter, by you! When we talk or even if we talk you have to explain to me what happened with Gen on the ski trip and..." Peter's looking at me now and I start to tear up again so I turn away "Nothing happened between her and I during the ski trip Covey, I swear to you I just-" I interrupt him "And what about your kiss with Gen yesterday? What was that Peter!?." I yell slightly turning around to face him again.

*Okay this is the end of part 1!! What do you guys think? Has my writing gotten better since the first chapter? Also do you like long or short chapters more, I personally like longer because there's more to read of course but...😂🤷🏻‍♀️
Are Lara Jean and Peter K. finally gonna talk and get back together or will the arguing, avoiding and bad timing between them continue a little longer?? Remember I'm always open to ideas about what you think should happen. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy this 1st part!!😊🤷🏻‍♀️ Also let me know if I'm doing a good job writing this because sometimes I feel like l make no sense🙃😳
Okay My rant is done now, promise!💖*

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