5.5~ Turns into fighting... (pt.2)

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Sorry this chapter took so long everyone! I feel really bad about it. Also I'm sorry if there's typos, I didn't check before posting... anyway hope you like the chapter! It's kinda bad but enjoy!💓

"Nothing happened between her and I during the ski trip Covey, I swear to you I just-" I interrupt him "And what about your kiss with Gen yesterday? What was that Peter!?." I yell slightly turning around to face him again.

~Peter's POV~
Shit!! I forgot she saw that yesterday. What am I gonna say to her, either way I'm gonna lose her. If I tell her the truth, tell her I kissed Gen back because In that moment I felt like I missed her? No I can't do that, it would hurt her to much and it's not something I want to admit myself I don't want to believe it. I'll hurt her. She'll probably never speak to me again. I'll lose her trust. And if I lie and tell her that I was just confused and felt bad for her it wouldn't last long because she'll eventually hear the truth from Gen herself and I'll be in the same spot I was in before and the last thing I want to do is hurt and lose the girl of my dreams. The girl I really love.

I'm pulled from my very long thought when I hear Lara Jean shout "Peter!!" Like she's getting impatient. "Yeah sorry..." I pause, look up at her and lock eyes with her from across the kitchen. I start to speak making my voice low but loud enough for her to hear me "Okay umm... She kissed me..." I say in chunks but right as I finish Lara Jean speaks at the same time "first" "Yeah I figures that Pet-" She stops mid- sentence and looks taken back, I know she heard what I said so I just put my head down in shame. "First?... So you..." she starts but chokes up a bit and pauses "You- you kissed her back?" I look up as she finishes and I can see tears trailing down her face. I nod my head and she immediately turns away from me. I get up "Yes but please let me explain?" I wait a minute before I walk up and stand in front of her. I grab her hands "please let me explain?" she almost gives in to my touch but then pulls them out of mine and backs away from me again. What have I done? I've just fucked everything up and I'm gonna lose the girl I love.

~Lara Jean's POV~
I've known that Peter still has feelings for Gen I'm not dumb, I just didn't expect him to tell me that he kissed her back, and in the same day we were supposed to talk about 'us'? That's what got me, I mean would he have even told me if we got 'back together'?

After he confirmed to me that he did kiss Gen back I can't hold in my tears anymore so I turn away from him and just let them fall. I'm so overwhelmed that I start mumbling to myself. "I knew it, I knew it and I still let myself get involved with him. He still likes her and wants to be with her." I stop mumbling after a few minutes and try to calm myself down a bit.

While I'm trying to myself down I start to think; He still wants to be with her. Peter doesn't know it, but whenever he talks about Genevieve in any way; good or bad, you can always see a certain softness in his face. It's tenderness and care mixed with impatience and something else... love. He can protest and deny all he wants but I know he still loves her, he just can't admit it to me or himself. His feelings for her are strong and... I stop my thought when I feel a few more tears slide down my cheek.

Peter comes and stands in front of me and grabs my hands, he looks at me with guilt and regret and asks if I'll let him explain. I almost give in but then quickly pull my hands from his grasp and back away from him so i don't give in to him and can get myself together, although it's no use because I'm probably going to be crying the rest of the day.

I'm sitting at the table with my head down in Peter's kitchen with him only a few feet away from me. I've stoped crying but then I hear his sweet voice and more tears start to fall "Lara Jean-" I stop him before he can finish. "No! Peter I can't talk about this right now." I yell and look up at him to see him standing over me. As soon as he sees my red, puffy, tear-stained face he looks down. 

Me and you always|| Lara Jean and Peter K.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu