4~ Worried

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Let me start off by saying that I'm sorry if this chapter is bad, it was kinda a last minute idea that I'm not that proud of...😞

*Back to LJ's POV*

While I was Skyping with Gogo she convinced me to try and talk to Peter so I grabbed my phone but I then I saw messages from almost everyone at school calling me a slut, a whore and even a relationship wrecker. I couldn't believe what I was seeing so I just put my phone on silent and threw it under my desk, how could I have gone from being a nobody to the school slut in just a few months? I thought as I cried myself to asleep.

When I woke up it was 6:30 pm, I assumed daddy and Kitty would be home so I decided to head downstairs but when I get to the bottom there's still no one home. So I head to the kitchen to get a snack.

Just then daddy walks through the door and smiles awkwardly when he sees me "Hey honey" he says like he's surprised to see me. I'm worried but also a little nervous, I know my school called him, I'm just worried he got the wrong idea because judging by the look on his face he looks a little uncomfortable. So I decide to act as normal as I can until he brings it up "Hey, where's Kitty?" "Oh umm remember she asked if she could uh stay at her friends house tonight...Are you okay, you look like you've been crying." "oh yeah I forgot she was staying tonight and yes I'm fine daddy" I say quickly. He nods his head and rubs the back of his neck which I know means he's nervous "okay uh yeah, so you and I need to have a talk and I think you know what's it's about." I go wide eyed, nod my head and say "Yeahh" I say nervously.

He tells me to wait on the couch while he puts his things away. He comes back a few minutes later and sits next to me and just looks at me which makes me very worried "I'm guessing my school called you?" I say nervously. He he looks away and nods "Umm yeah your principal called me earlier and told me about this picture of you and Peter-" I stop him before he can continue "It's not what you think! And I'm sorry for leaving school without permission and all that but before you try and give me the sex talk again you should know that Peter and I didn't have sex and I don't know what the principal told you but I promise that Peter and I only made out in the that hot tub!" He gives me a surprised look "Okayyyy... But what about the picture?" I look at him and say with anger evident in my voice "GEN" then I sigh "I mean she is my ex bestie and Peters ex girlfriend so of course she would share a private thing like that to get back at the both of us. I just don't know what my next move is daddy, I don't know what I'm gonna do." I say as a few tears escape my eyes.

The next few hours I spent talking to daddy all about how awful today was, I even told him a little about Peter and I. I told him a lot, well except that our 'relationship' is fake of course, I also didn't mention any of the messages I've been getting because I don't want him to worry.

I say a thank you and a good night to daddy before heading to my room. I fall over on my bed and think how nice it was talking to daddy about this kind of stuff. I alway thought it would only be Margot giving me pep talks and advice on how to handle things with my 'boyfriend' but daddy did well.

It's kinda funny because they both gave me the same advice which was go to school and show everyone that this setback isn't going to bother me because I know what is and isn't true. They also both think I should talk and sort things out with Peter so I think I'll talk to him after school tomorrow because I don't want to see anymore harsh messages about me that aren't true. I fall asleep nervous about how tomorrow will go.


I wake up to my alarm so I turn it off and get out of bed to get ready for school.

I'm dressed and ready to go when a rush of nerves hit me and I start to have an anxiety attack and think of all the possible things that could happen like me running in to Gen, getting called more hurtful names,etc. I can't take it so I crawl bad into my bed and try to calm my self down. A few minutes later I hear a little knock on my door and daddy walks in... "You gotta get up kiddo, you're gonna be late." He says as he walks over and sits on my bed "Yeah umm... daddy it turn out that I'm not feeling very well so I think I'm just gonna stay home today." I say while avoiding eye contact with him because I'm a horrible liar. He looks down at me "what's wrong Lara Jean, I thought you were ready to go back?" I look at him and just break down crying and told him all the reason why I thought I shouldn't go to school including all the messages I've gotten from everyone. After he saw how upset and scared I was he agreed and thought it would be for the best to let me stay home to calm my nerves. He almost stayed home with me because he was worried about me but I told him that he needed to go to work because it was more important and that I would be okay without him for a few hours, it took while but he finally agreed with me that he should go.

After daddy leaves I figure I should probably text Chris and Lucas to tell them that I'm not going to school but I haven't looked at my phone since yesterday and by now the number of messages have probably tripled since yesterday. But I need to move past this and face them eventually right? I mean I'm not scared of the messages people are leaving me, I'm scared of what people will say to me when they see me at school.

So I sit at the kitchen table ready to go through them when Josh comes over to keep me company, mostly because my dad asked him to but it's still nice. I ended up telling him everything that happened yesterday because he wasn't at school but also because I trust him and know that he wouldn't do or say anything to hurt me.

"Have you spoken to Kavinsky yet?" "No I'm not ready to yet but I will soon."  "Okay are You gonna look?" I frown "I want to." He looks confused "Why Lara Jean there just messages. They'll still mean nothing if you do or don't look at them so..." I nod because he's right, these mean nothing to me and they're not true so why waste my time worrying about them? I thank him and put my phone down so I can visit him a little longer before he leaves to go back to school.

Just before Josh leaves I remember that I didn't text Lucas and Chris and tell them why I didn't go to school. So I grab my phone off the table and push past and ignore everyone else's messages when I realize that I have new messages from Chris, messages from yesterday and today from about 3 hours ago so I look at them and gasp when I read them;


LJ!!!Call me!! It's urgent!!
It's about Kavinsky!!
Today 6:00am
Oh I'll just tell you...
Kavinsky Got into a fight and kicked some ass but also got a little beat up himself
Is he okay?
How is he??? Are you okay? Why did he get into the fight??
LJ will you answer me!!!

He what!? I didn't even know about think until now!
Is he at school?

No he and the kid he fought got suspended for a day.

I'll get back to you.

Josh is sitting in his car about to pull out of the drab way when I stop him "Josh I need to go somewhere, will you take me?" "Yeah get in." I get into his car "Where to?" I look at him "Peter's house and can you hurry." He looks at me "I need to see him okay, something happened and I just, I  don't know I just need to-" "I know" he says and drives a quick as he can and before I know it I'm standing in Peter's driveway just standing there while Josh pulls out of the driveway.

*okay yes this chapter is bad, you don't have to tell me. This chapter is just a filler so ignore it if you want but..🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️ this is by far my least favorite chapter🙃*
Thanks for the support anyway.
Ps: sorry if it doesn't make much sense but this chapter was kinda rushed and a last minute idea kinda thing...🙂


Me and you always|| Lara Jean and Peter K.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें