Chapter Three

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 A.N: I have absolutely no idea why wattpad is putting random spaces everywhere 
PS: the chapter length will actually get longer as this progresses, I wrote the begining of this quite a while ago and I have since come up with a more detailed structure/plan for each individual chapter :) 


I sit in the lobby of Bella’s apartment complex feeling very confident. I’m positive she’ll love what I have planned for us tonight, I know it. The elevator dings and out walks Bella and Jack.
“Hey.” I hug Bella awkwardly and then step back.
“Hey, have a good date you two. I’ll be at Caspar and Alfie’s.” Jack fist bumps me and then goes on his merry way. 
“So where are we going?” Bella asks with a smile.
“Someplace I know you’ll love.” I smile back and take her hand in mine. I watch as her cheeks flush a light shade of pink. “Come on, lets get going.”

“Finn, where the heck are you taking me?” Bella laughs as she walks slowly with her hands over her eyes.
“Don’t peep! Not until I say!”
“I won’t! I promise!” She laughs again. I continue to lead her up a hill and stop her at the pathway. “Okay, now!” Her hands fly off her face and her face lights up.
“Oh Finn, you remembered!” She hugs my arm as we walk closer.
“Of course. You always loved going to see the Christmas lights in high school, I thought it’d be sentimental.”
“Oh you hit the nail on the head with that one! They’re so beautiful,”
“You’re beautiful.” I look to see her reaction, smiling at the ground. She looks up at me and sighs. “Look at this house.” I drag her down the road to a house with the best lights on the block. The whole front yard was done; the grass had blue lights representing water, then white swans, reindeer on the roof, a couple of blow up Santa’s, the whole nine-yards. 
“Oh my gosh. I forgot how beautiful all this was, I haven’t been since, God, that night in senior year.” We both laugh at the memory of that chilly senior night.
“Ah yes, that night was very funny. You pretty much blowing up the entire suburb, Jack and I stealing the doll from someone’s manger and Nico-“ I stop myself before I mention Nicole. It’s been four days since Nicole’s funeral and I don’t want to ruin this evening. “It was a fun evening.” I feel Bella shiver against my arm and grip me tighter. “You cold?”
“Yeah a tad. I wasn’t planning on the first snow falling tonight.” She smiles and looks down at her bare legs. I shrug my coat off and place it over her shoulders. She smiles and we continue to walk down the street.
“I have another surprise for you.” I say as we near the final house. 

“What?” She asks excitedly and I nod my head too the lawn of the house. A picnic set out with pillows, blankets and small heating lamps.
“Hope you’re hungry.” I say as we sit down onto the pillows and pull a blanket over our legs.
“Starving.” She smiles as I pull out strawberries, chocolate and champagne. I pour us both a glass and then hold up my glass.
“Cheers to first dates.”
“Cheers to a fantastic first date.” We clink glasses and take a drink.
“I’ve missed you Bella. We haven’t spoken since graduation…”
“I know, I’m sorry Finn. But I have checked in on you. I watched you both on YouTube and I had Ally keep me filled in.”
“Ally, as in Ally Willow? Oh god she has gotten fat!” She gasps and laughs.
“Finn!” She playfully hits me as then laughs.
“I’m sorry it’s the truth! No offence if you’re friends with her but, wow…” We laugh together and then she picks up a strawberry.
“No, after a year I lost touch, so YouTube became my source of keeping you two in sight.”
“Well, I was never mad at you for choosing New York over Bristol.”
“Jack was.”
“Lets not talk about that though, I’m just glad I get the chance to go on a date with you.”
“Finn, you’re so amazing. This night has been amazing. Thank you.”
“My pleasure.”

I park the car out the front of Caspar and Alfie’s apartment.
“You sure you don’t mind stopping in?” I ask as I shut off the engine.
“Of course. Plus, I can meet some of your friends.” She smiles and gets out of the car. I meet her at the hood of the car and grab her hand.
“Would it be weird if I kissed you right now?” I ask pulling her closer.
“Nope.” She smiles and places her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her waist and lower my head. I place my lips on hers and stay there for a few seconds. She slowly pulls away with a smile on her face.
“Come on, it’s freezing out here.” She says running me up the steps and into the building.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2014 ⏰

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