Chapter one

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It wasn’t meant to happen like this. I wish it were me lying in the beautifully engraved, mahogany casket that was slowly being lifted down the centre of the pathway.  I watch carefully as the boys carry Nicole’s body past me. Her face was set in a hard line, pale and yet still more beautiful than I could ever be.  I remember the last time I saw her, we’d just said goodbye after a movie. She got into her car and drove off. Little did I know that would be the last time I saw her. Here I am, a murderer, standing at my best friends funeral because I was the one who killed her. I sent a simple text message and like that, another life was taken way too soon. The boys had carried Nicole’s body outside to where she was being laid to rest. I reluctantly forced myself too watch her be lowered into the ground. I feet my lips quiver as shovel by shovel, dirt was thrown into the ground. 

“Goodbye beautiful. I’m so, so, so sorry.” I whimpered, covering my face with my hands. I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder. Lifting my eyes I meet the gazes of the beautiful Harries twins. Nicole and I had been friends with them in high school and then they started YouTube. I hadn’t seen them since our graduation night. 

“Bella…” Jack whispered quietly. I let out a sob and throw myself into their embrace. Their large arms encircled me as I sob into their chests. 

“Bella please, stop crying. Please.” Finn rubs my neck as they step back. They’re both wearing black business shirts and pants. Their green-grey eyes locked onto mine. 

“I can’t. It’s my fault. It’s my fault she’s dead!”  I exclaimed with a new set of tears streaming down my rosy cheeks. 

“No sweetie, God no!” Jack holds my face in his hands and kisses my forehead. 

“It is! It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault…” My voice gets lower and lower until there’s nothing.  

“Let’s get you out of here.” Finn says with each of them wrapping an arm around me. They walk me over to the car park slowly and stop at the curb.

“Which one’s your car?” Before I can answer Jack lets out a sigh. “Never mind. It’s the same car as in high school.” He pulls the keys out of my right jacket pocket and pulls out the keys to my BMW that I’ve had since high school. 

“Finn, I’ll drive the BMW, you take our car and we’ll meet back at her apartment.” Jack says as he helps me into the passenger seat and strap me in. I immediately pressed my head to the window. My tears racing the raindrops as they roll off of my face and down the window. 

“It’s okay Bella, I promise you.” Jack whispers and starts to drive. I sigh heavily and close my eyes.  

My eyes flutter open and I see Jacks face. I roll onto my back and rub my eyes. I don’t remember anything after the funeral; I’m not sure why Jack is even still here. I sigh loudly and close my eyes.

“Still not a morning person I assume?” Jack yawns and sits up taking the covers with him.

“Nope, mornings are the worst things in the world.” I say joining him and brushing my hair off of my face. “Why are you here Jack?”

“That’s a friendly way to greet an old chap.” He frowns and sighs. “You went a little crazy last night. Drinking, swearing, throwing things, Finn and I felt we had no choice but to stay.” Oh, shit.

“Oh my God, I’m so, so, so sorry Jack.”

“Bella, it’s fine. I just had to make sure you were okay.” He smiles sweetly and brings me into a hug.

“Where’s Finn?” I ask looking around my room for any sign of him.

“He went to get breakfast. Should be back soon.” He shrugs and clambers out of bed. He is dressed in nothing but his boxer briefs and it’s an awesome sight. I raise and eyebrow and look him up and down as he pulls on his skinny jeans.

“Working out lately Jackamo?” I ask wiping the smile off of my face.

“Staring much Bella?” He laughs and shrugs his shirt over his head. I roll my eyes and smile.

“Hard not too when you’re practically naked in front of me.” I climb out of bed and take him out to the open space of my apartment.

“You know Bella, when I opened the door to in here last night I was impressed. You’ve done well for yourself in a year. “ He says flopping onto the couch. I smile as I press the ignition button on the fireplace and wrap the rug draping over the couch around me covering my embarrassing pajamas. I flop onto the couch next to him and sigh. 

“Yeah, it helps when you love what you do. Also helps when you top your class in university and get a great paying job straight away.” There’s an uncomfortable silence between us. In high school Jack and I were close and Finn and Nicole were close. Early in our third year, Jack and I promised to go to the same university and be best friends always. Well when a university in America accepted me, Jack was upset. I told him on our graduation night and we hadn’t spoken since.  

“How was New York?” He asks breaking the tension and I sigh thankfully.

“It was good.” No more of that touchy subject please. “How’s JacksGap going? I see you’re pretty famous yourself!” 

“You checked up on me?” He asks seeming flattered. I blush and shrug my shoulders. 

“You wouldn’t return any of my calls or texts. I had to see you somehow.” Jack turns away not making a sound. Great, more uncomfortable silence.

“Hello!” I hear Finn call out from the door. I run to him and hug him as tight as possible. 

“Finn! I missed you so much!” He wraps his arms around me and swings me around.

“I missed you too.” He places me down on my feet and holds my shoulders. “I’m sorry about Nicole.” I watch a tear run down his face and land onto his shirt. I hug him tightly and try to hold back my tears.

“Don’t cry Finn, you’ll make me cry again.” 

“I’m sorry, I promise I won’t cry.” He lets me go and hold up the McDonalds bag. “Breakfast?” He asks. I hear Jack shuffle up behind me and breathe in, taking in the delicious smell of bacon, eggs and hash browns. I walk over to the fridge and pull out a carton.

“Orange juice?”

With Or Without You (Jack & Finn Harries)Where stories live. Discover now