Am I cursed or something?

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First, I want to apologize for the lack of chapter this week. One of my dogs got really sick and, after an expensive vet visit, I've been spending all week taking care of her. She seems to be getting better, though not as quickly as I'd hoped so she still might have to see the vet again (but hopefully not, poor girl). And, if that wasn't enough, some trouble at work came up, as well. I really hope this isn't what the rest of 2019 is going to be like, because if it is, I think I'll skip ahead to 2020.  😐

Given the ridiculousness of the last month or so, I know better than to promise a new chapter for next week (especially if I have jury duty), so I can only say that I hope to have a new chapter up on Monday. I will try my best to work on it this weekend (barring any other unforeseen issues!) and try to get it posted Monday morning. I'm sorry again about the sporadic updates lately, guys; I don't want you to think this is going to be a pattern from now on. I hope the rest of January is stable and boring so I can get some writing done! Thank you all so much for your patience and support!  ❤

Above is an older photo of my sweet girl, Maggie (in the front) and her cuddly brother, Ben.  ❤

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