Chapter Thirty-Six

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"What is he doing here?" Casavir's voice was tight and Aruna noticed his hand move to his hip, instinctively reaching for the hilt of a sword that wasn't there.

Aruna quickly positioned herself between Casavir and Bishop as Bishop drew near. He stopped in front of her and gave her a little bow, his smile mocking.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" he said.

"What is this?" demanded Casavir, his face pale with anger. "What are you doing?"

Bishop straightened and met Casavir's gaze coolly. "What does it look like I'm doing, paladin? I'm rescuing you before you do something stupid, and I'm rescuing her before you bore her to death."

"Bishop—" Aruna began.

"You couldn't bear it," Casavir said. "You weren't content to leave well enough alone. You had to come and ruin a pleasant evening."

"Stop right there!"

The three of them turned to see several guards running down the stairs towards them. People stopped dancing and backed away, eyeing the scene warily. The Brotherhood attack had only just happened hours before, and most people were still on edge. Aruna glanced around and saw that they were now the center of attention; even the bards had stopped playing.


"You!" A guard pointed at Bishop. "How did you get in here? We told you this event was for exclusive invites only!"

"Calm down," Bishop said in a tone that was decidedly not reassuring. "I'm with the Dragonborn. I'm her traveling companion."

"Likely story," said another guard. "If you're the Dragonborn's companion, then why didn't she come to the ball with you?"

"Ask her yourself if you don't believe me," Bishop said.

They all turned to look at Aruna. The idea occurred to her to deny that she knew him and let the guards take him for the night. Maybe that would teach him a lesson. Then again, the thought that the guards might be especially harsh with him after the Brotherhood's visit wasn't as appealing. Aruna sighed heavily.

"It's true--he's with me," she said. "I apologize for any disturbance he might have caused; I was under the impression that he wouldn't be joining us tonight."

"See?" Bishop crossed his arms and smiled at the guards.

"Well, all right," the first guard said reluctantly. "As long as he's with you, Dragonborn. We have to be careful, given the current circumstances. You understand."

"Yes, of course," Aruna said. "Again, my apologies. My companion will not disturb anyone again, I assure you." She shot a meaningful glare at Bishop.

The guards retreated to their posts and the bards, sensing their cue, struck up the music again. Gradually, people began to wander back onto the dance floor.

Aruna rounded on Bishop. "What are you doing here? I thought you didn't want to come. Weren't you at the tavern?"

"I was," he said. "But I got bored. Also, that innkeeper can't cook worth a damn."

Aruna looked him over. "And where did you get these clothes?"

He shrugged. "I beat up some noble outside and stole them off him."

"You did what?" Casavir took a step toward him.

Aruna rolled her eyes. "Bishop, be serious."

Bishop laughed. "I bought them; that woman who dressed you was closing up her shop as I was walking by. We started talking and when I told her where I was headed, she said they wouldn't let me in dressed as I was." He snorted. "She neglected to mention that I needed a special invitation, too. Anyway, she's the one responsible for this." He gestured to his outfit.

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