Chapter Eight

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Early the next morning, Aruna woke sore and stiff. She was always aching somewhere now; this hero business was tough on a body. She stretched and worked a knot from her shoulder. The cuts on her arm had healed unevenly with the healing magic she'd used on herself the night before and she hadn't even dared attempt to use her clumsy spellwork on the cut on her head, which had clotted and looked terrible, especially since the blood had matted into her hair. She cleaned up the best she could in the wash basin and wondered if she could find someone to help her improve her restoration skills. There was that college in Winterhold everyone was always going on about, but it wasn't exactly on the way. Aruna braided her hair and tugged on her leather armor, which needed mending. Then she went over her belongings to make sure she hadn't forgotten anything. She was missing a throwing knife, and she knew it was the one she'd used the night she'd fought that fire dragon in the woods, but she was too far to go back for it now. It hurt, losing one of those knives. They'd been a gift from someone who had long ago left this world, and they were all she had left of him. He'd also been the one to teach her how to use them, a skill that came in handy now.

Aruna slung her pack over her shoulder, sheathed her sword at her hip, and folded her stained cloak over her arm. The smell of blood on the cloak was so strong that she could no longer wear it, and she decided to soak it in the first body of water she came across.

She walked out of the room and into the tavern to see Bishop sitting at a bench near the hearth fire, sharing his breakfast with his wolf. She smiled slightly, watching them. That's right...she'd picked up herself a couple of traveling companions the night before. She wondered at her judgment when she was tired. These two were definitely trouble, especially that cunning ranger. She still couldn't believe he'd tracked her down almost all the way to Rorikstead. That had taken some tenacity, not to mention a pretty fiery temper. She hoped he was more trustworthy than he seemed because she did not like the thought of having to kill him should he turn on her. Her instincts told her that he meant no harm, at least not to her, so she was willing to give him a chance. She'd had worse companions before, that was for sure. At least he wouldn't bore her like the last one.

She walked over and sat beside Bishop, resting her chin in her hand as she watched him toss meat to Karnwyr, who caught it neatly in midair every time. They were the only ones in the tavern this early, save for the innkeeper, who was behind the counter, busily preparing for the day ahead.

"You're up early," she said as Karnwyr caught another strip of meat with a snap of teeth.

"I needed to make sure you didn't try to sneak away on me again," Bishop said, glancing at her, "and I wanted to get to my drinks before you did."

She blew out a breath, "you aren't going to let that go, are you?"

"Not as long as it bothers you," he said with a smirk, "so, ladyship, where are we headed?"

"Ultimately, Solitude," Aruna said, "but we'll likely make several stops on the way. I have a few things I promised to deliver, and there's a man I need to talk to, so we'll have to take quite a detour to Markarth."

Bishop looked at her, "Markarth, you say?"

She raised her eyebrows, "yes," she said slowly, "why?"

"Oh, no reason," Bishop shrugged, "except that I may not be totally welcome there at the moment."

"Really," Aruna said, looking amused, "and what, exactly, did you do to make yourself unwelcome in Markarth, of all places?"

He cleared his throat, "I, uh, don't really want to talk about it."

Aruna laughed and stood up, "sounds like a good story. I'll have to wheedle it out of you later. Come on, if you're coming."

Bishop grumbled something that she couldn't hear but followed her dutifully out of the inn, Karnwyr close behind. They were nearly out of Rorikstead when Bishop suddenly stopped and crossed his arms.

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