'' That's it! ''

Yoongi smashed his half empty bottle of soju, raised she sharp glass in the air and prepared to attack the smirking girl. Hoseok managed to appear just in time to grab him and pull him back before a fight would break out. I was a little disappointed when Seulgi, Chanyeol, Felix, Baekhyun and I arrived to the gang's racing track and there was no sign of him. The two of us truly bonded the last time that I was here, so I was hoping to see him again. It turned out that he was gone because he was doing a job for Namjoon and he just got back from it, but he didn't come alone. 

On the way to the gang's racing track, he ran in to a motorcycle accident. He was already about to call an ambulance and then disappear in to the night again, when he recognised the person that was laying on the asphalt. Her purple motorcycle was near her and it seemed like she passed out while sitting on it.


We were waiting for her to get to the Angels's racing track, but none of us thought that she could be late because something bad happened to her. She was unconscious when Hoseok brought her and there was a gunshot wound on her leg, but the gang's doctor quickly confirmed that she wasn't in life threatening danger. He said that she lost consciousness while riding her motorcycle because of the blood loss, but she wasn't going too fast and her helmet prevented her from receiving any horrible injuries. She was lucky.

'' That's it, '' Baekhyun screamed and clenched his fingers in to fists. Him, Seulgi and I were standing in the hallway outside of the gang's infirmary room, while Chanyeol was watching over the sleeping Hwasa. The biker was clearly furious and he could barely keep himself from punching somebody. '' I am going back to the club, so that I can figure out what the fuck is going on and kill whoever dared to shoot Hwasa. ''

'' Don't be stupid, '' Seulgi lowly warned and crossed her arms on her chest. Her face was serious and her gaze cold, insensitive. She was purposely annoying Yoongi earlier, but the sight of Hwasa, covered in blood, made her remember the situation that we were in. Someone had to remain calm and seemingly rational in these times and she decided that she was going to be that person, even if she was just pretending and she wanted to do something stupid too. '' What makes you think that we would come to save you again? Like we did when you went to Kim Haejin's club like a complete idiot? Or do you think that you would be welcomed back to the club with open arms? ''

Baekhyun tightened his lips and glared at the girl. '' I never asked you to come save me in the first place. ''

'' That's right, you didn't. You never thanked us either. '' Her lips twisted in to an amused smirk. '' Perhaps that makes us the real idiots, huh? For going there and risking our own lives to save a friend. Come on, say it. I know that you are thinking it right now and I'm looking for a reason to punch you. ''

He was still clenching his fists and glaring at the girl until I suddenly stepped between them and raised my hands in defence. I let out a nervous laugh and tried to think of a way to make them calm down. They were both dominant people, with strong personalities, so it wasn't surprising that they clashed. '' Okay, can we just establish that you are both idiots for fighting with each other instead of thinking about how you'll destroy Kim Haejin? Wouldn't it be better to stop wasting your energy with each other like that and save your anger for the real deal? ''

Baekhyun's gaze moved from Seulgi and landed on me. His eyes darkened when we looked at each other, then he turned around and stormed down the hallway without saying another word. My awkward smile slowly lowered and I stared after him with a grim expression on my face. I was about to rush after Bhim, but Seulgi stopped me by suddenly grabbing my wrist. I lowered my head and tried to pull my hand away, but she only tightened her grip.

tempo » baekhyun ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें