19. my dreams will be true

Start from the beginning

Artie furrowed his eyebrows at Spencer, "you don't need legs to dance," Spencer placed a hand on the boy's chest, "all you need is your heart."

Artie smiled, the pair laughing as he twirled them around in his wheelchair, "oh, my god, i'm dancing!"

Spencer smiled at his friend, "you're dancing Artie," Spencer stood up from Artie's lap, "well, that was fun, dude," Artie smiled at Spencer, "Spencer..."

Spencer put his hand onto the doorknob, with his black bag pack on his shoulder, when turns to face Artie, "thank you for that, you're a good friend," Spencer smiles at Artie, "i'd anything to make anyone in the new directions happy,"

Artie waved his hand at Spencer, "wait," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "i need to ask you a favour," Artie wheeler towards Spencer, when the two boys walk out of the choir room.


"s....a....f....e....t.....y, safety," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows when he started joining in with the performance in the mall when he stood beside Mike, when the song finished as they went towards breadsticks, "come on, Britt, Brooke!"

the two girls rolled their eyes at Mike and Spencer when the two boys were both chuckling, "sometimes, i think they're dating,"

Brittany shook her head, "wait, no.. they're best friends," Brooke nods her head, "i know... Britt, actually, never mind," Brittany furrowed her eyebrows when Brooke pulls her hand, "come on..."



"guys, i've got good news," Spencer rolled his eyes, staring at Mr Bryan Ryan who stood in front of the new directions with a box, "i siphoned off funds from the cheerios, and i took a little shopping spree through the jazzhands catalogue,"

Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "you know why?" the new directions shrugged their shoulders, "cause the arts matter, and i got custom-made,"

he holds up a jean jacket when Spencer held music sheet in his hands beside Matt and Mike, furrowing their eyebrows at Mr Schuester, "new directions jean jackets,"

Kurt stood up when he grabbed her jean jacket from Mr Ryan's hand, "and some rad tearway dancewea," Santana and Brittany then stood up, going towards Mr Ryan, "hello,"

"and every piece of sheet music," he held sheet music books in his hands, "from every broadway show for that last 50 years," Mr Ryna looks down to the box when Mr Schuester comes towards him, "everything a show choir needs to become champions,"

"wow," Mr Schuester turns to the boys who stood beside each other with impressed looks expect for Spencer who crossed his arms over his chest, "that's just amazing,"

Mr Schuester turns to the new directions, "let's all give a hand for Mr Ryan," the new directions clapped their hands when Sean and Finn put their sheet music onto the piano, clapping their hands when Spencer rolled his blue eyes, "thank you, thank you.."

"congratulations, Will.." Coach Sylvester comes to the choir room door, "i'm over the moon for you," she walks into the choir room, "thanks Sue, i'm glad you have a good attitude about your budget being cut,"

Coach Sylvester shook her head, "no, no.. i'm not talking about that, i came over here to congratulate you on your new role," Spencer furrowed his eyebrows, "local director, Herb Duncan, does the dry cleaning for the cheerios and he let it slip.."

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