Chapter 1

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If I had to rate my life right now on a scale of TEN, it would be a Four..

Definitely a Four...

And my love life? A big ass zero...

Why do I rate my life and love life that low you ask? Well let me tell you.

It all started back in High school when I was 16 years old.

( 6 years ago)

I was walking through the hallways, searching for my class. It was my first day at my new school and I was super excited.

I was so busy taking in my new environment that I totally wasn't aware of the boys who were coming my way from the opposite direction.

Of course I ended up bumping into one of them. The worse thing was, the guy I bumped into wasn't just someone.. it was the most popular guy in school. Wong Yukhei, also known as Lucas.

Of course I didn't know that at first, so the stupid, young and naïve me just apologized quickly and continued walking.

''Hey You!'' I heard the boy call out to me. I froze in my spot and slowly turned around to face the now angry looking boy.

I couldn't help but to scan his features with my eyes. He wasreally tall, a bit taller than me actually. He had dirty blond colored hair andbig, dark eyes. He had earrings in both of his ears and he was very manly looking. The best thing was that his toned body was visible underneath his uniform.

Yes.. I am gay.

Anyway, that's not the point right now.

The angry looking boy was now making his way over to me and the two other boys who were grinning widely behind him were following.

I gulped before letting out a quiet ''Y-Yes?''

The boy halted himself in front of me and looked me up and down before fixating his cold eyes on mine fearful looking ones.

''you just bumped into me and dared to continue walking?'' he asked with his low, manly and husky sounding voice. ''w-what? I.. I apologized.. '' I stammered.

''You call that apologizing?! Do you even know who you're talking to?!'' one of the boys behind him yelled at me making me flinch.

''I-I'm S-sorry'' I apologized again in fear. Almost on the edge of crying.

The blond haired guy pushed the other guy slightly back. ''let's not make the new kid scared'' he said while the other two started chuckling .

''what's you're name, new guy?'' he asked with a low voice, staring at me with an intense stare. ''K-Kim Jungwoo..'' I introduced myself.

''alright Kim Jungwoo. I'm Lucas. Keep that in mind'' he said with a smirk on his face before turning around again, heading off with the two other guys following him.

From that moment on I knew I already fucked up. and I sure was right.

As if i wasn't lucky enough, Lucas happened to be in the same class as me. as well as his two minions who's names where WinWin and Johnny.

They made my school life a living hell. It started with harmless things like, throwing paper balls at me with writings on it, saying I was a nerd or a suck up to the teacher.

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