confrontation (mark)

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you had chosen to side with mark earlier on, not bad.

you have mark on your side no matter what since you've shown to him that he can trust you and so can you. but this means you can't necessarily rely on jaehyun to save you.

you walk forward unsure to approach the figure there. you don't know for sure if it's mark.

you look at johnny for any reassurance to step forward and talk to the figure. johnny seems to frown and pout his lips. he doesn't know.

jaehyun remains silent, attentively studying the features of the figure.

jaehyun: ❝mark. is that you?❞

the male calls out with a loud voice. the figure's head turns to face you all. it pushes itself off the wall, slowly walking towards your direction. it limps a little as it walks towards the light.

a deep moan sends a strong warning.

it's not mark.

a loud shriek and a burst of speed emitted from the figure. a rather scarred face shows in the light, yellow teeth bared and ugly nails raised to attack.

eerie white eyes dart across the three of you.

you seemed to be the one in favour of the walker.

the being leaps and lets out a cry as it kicks you off balance, your other two members still too shocked to react.

a small grunt leaves your mouth as you fall onto the floor. a sharp hiss and you feel stinging pain at your jaw.

the weight on your chest is soon lifted off as johnny kicks the zombie away.

you quickly get back onto your feet and see johnny pinning your attacker onto the ground before giving a strong kick to it's neck, cracking it. you let out a small sigh when you see it's body go limp.

but, your relief doesn't really last all that long when you start hearing more groaning from the darkness in the alley. it was already nearing nighttime.

more of them will be appearing since it was getting dark. a perfect time to strike oblivious prey.

shit, you're done for.

there's no way you could win a fight with nothing but two other members against a hoard coming your way.

you're surrounded, front and back. don't even think about going to the sides. it's just wall.

then, a flaming glass bottle is flung at your front, making a small explosion. fire spreads from the alcohol leaking out.

you see a boy climb from the alley wall and down to your side.

mark: ❝you shouldn't have looked for me, idiots.❞

you hear jaehyun scoff.

jaehyun: ❝leaving you to die outside seemed like a better choice?❞

that shut mark up. you know they're not on well terms so you decide to step in for now.

you take mark's hand, pulling him to get out.

since there was a temporary firewall in front, you're back is all you need to deal with for now.

you all have to hurry and you know that.

johnny taking the slight lead, he charges front and starts making a path for you all to follow.

you pull mark along with you and jaehyun covering your back.

just then, you make an awful error.

you trip.

you send both yourself and mark to the floor, jaehyun accidentally stepping on mark's foot and falling too.

you hear mark cry out in pain after jaehyun stepped on him.

mark: ❝s-shit, my ankle.❞

mark winces as you get up. mark tries to get up but he ends up on the ground again.

you look to the side. jaehyun is getting crowded about. johnny is already in front, he can't afford to turn around right now.

you look at mark.

you can't leave him there alone on the ground helpless when he can't even stand.

you look at jaehyun.

it seems he can't hold the undead off by himself.

〘you have earlier confirmed to side with mark〙

you get up onto your feet quickly and start rushing to mark. you quickly carry him onto your back and start to make a run.

you feel your face getting hot.

is this guilt?

you chose your side earlier already. there's no turning back.

you run through the horde, trying your best to avoid mouths. in a distance, you can see jaehyun desperately trying to free himself from the needy grips of the walkers.

you feel a tear drip down your cheek. you know you can't save everyone. you don't have the power since johnny was already up ahead. you can't reach to him and he doesn't know what's happening at the back.

with guilt and pain straining your voice, you whisper under your breath like a soft prayer to the sky.

i'm sorry, jaehyun.. :yuta

|get back to the house|

go to chapter "day4 (mark)" to continue

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