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I have been tossing and turning in my sleep I close my eyes and I find it. So hard to sleep the pain in my neck to the cars going by I start to drift to sleep.
Here's my dream
I see me and Gina at a house drinking my head is hurting and I feel like I'm going to be sick "gina we should stop we have to drive home " noioooi "
As we keep drunk I see ben walking up to me and then all of a sudden we start to kiss and make out he grabs my house "ben don't we can't do this here " oh molly "
Then it went all black and then all of a sudden I am behind the wheel
Then before I know it I am waking up to myself screaming 
"molly whats running " all the and over the place "I'm fine I just had a bad dream
And then all of a sudden Ben comes in "are you fine " yeah but can you say here with me I count sleep
"Yeah "
The night goes on and I can hear the person next to me crying. The other person snoring I hate been in here I should just go I won't to be here
Ben is looking  at me and smirking
"What are you looking at "
"Just a beautiful girls "
"Look, Ben, I have had an ana crush on. You for a year and you have never talked to me but after my friends die you want to be my friend "
"Gabbie I have always like you and never had the guts so I don't know if you remember but that night we kissed and then   You run away and then  Gina talked to me so I jumped in my car and I was almost hit by a truck  but still got hit and then I got pushed into you Gabbie I have liked you for many years and wish this wasn't they why I had to tell you I'm sorry "
"How bad were you hurt " just a broken arm and toes "can you come and lay with me  to keep me safe from all of the dreams I have
After that long chat I feel tired and worn that some is with me but every time I close my eye I see her perfect fax's look at me and telling me everything is going to be ok but how is it  she was gone I feel my heart race this sets of the this my heart is one all these doctors come rushing "Gabbie Gabbie "  a random doctor yell "
"Nurse she having a panic attack  please help her look I'm sorry you have to leave  now Ben"
After 2 minute of trying to  stop it works
"What happens where Ben " Ben will be back some Gabbie you had a panic attack you are going to have to stay for longer so we can watch  you we also finding someone that  can help you "
"Thank you " also gabbie gian mum would like to see you is that ok with "  yeah that should be fine
Fuck she going to hate me and yell at me so much I better get some sleep
I close my eye and just pass out.
As I sleep. Ben come back into the room and kissed my forehead and gave me a hug

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jan 09, 2019 ⏰

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Worst night of my life Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang