The oldest yet shortest of the three was seated beside where Hoseok once was, his arms crossed as he looked at his two dongsaengs with a lazy yet slightly annoyed stare. He was dressed in black, opposite to Hoseok's angelic white. His hair was now dyed to a black-dark red color, the red wasn't noticeable unless if you paid close attention. He also wore small silver earrings. With all these dark colors, it really made his pale skin pop out.

Min Yoongi was only a year older than the other two, yet he acted like a grumpy and tired grandfather. He was sarcastic, cold, and a bit salty at times. But despite that, he had a soft spot for his two favorite dongsaengs, it would only be showed if they weren't being annoying. Somehow, Hoseok would sometimes take out his inner playfulness, eventually making the shorter suddenly scream at the top of his lungs or make his rare yet adorable gummy smile appear. Namjoon would also make him smile, but the taller male would always make him feel at ease and relaxed, they both understood each other well and there was genuine friendship and respect between the two. He may insult the younger ones from time to time or kill the joy out of things, but he cared about his friends and was always more than happy to join them in any activity and help them out. He just had a harder time expressing himself.

Yoongi had lived in Seoul the longest, moving in for high school. Over the years he became an expert living in the city, which was no surprise he was able to help Namjoon settle in and get used to this new lifestyle. He met him in this very same cafe, the taller was lost and couldn't find his apartment complex, Yoongi helped him get home and even helped him unpack his stuff. Days later their friendship had started to bloom when they saw each other again, this time in a rap performance. They bonded and clicked once they realized how similar they were, they didn't expect to find a third person months later.

Despite them being different in personalities, ages, and origins, they all shared the same dream. Which is what brought them together.

But the cafe also did its magic.

Namjoon chuckled, "I know Yoongi-hyung, I just didn't expect such a dark color. After all, a few days ago your hair was a mint green."

"And he looked delicious!" Hoseok added with a giggle, looking at the shorter male as well.

"I don't know if that made you sound gay or sound like a cannibal." The eldest replied in a flat tone.


"Don't adress me that way Hobi, it sounds childish!"

"Plus, you aren't a baby." The youngest joined in the conversation.

"Of course I am!" Hobi cooed, looking back at Namjoon, "A very cute one!" He stuck out his tongue, making the man who was currently carrying him laugh.

"Okay, can we like stop this nonsense? You may not feel the same way as I do, but I am tired and need food to restore my energy and eliminate my hunger." Yoongi made the other stop goofing around with his comment, "So, Namjoon, get those dollars out of your wallet and buy me food!"

"Alright Yoongs." Namjoon smiled, letting go of his friend before taking out his wallet, "Do you have your order in mind?"

"I've been waiting for you to arrive for ten minutes, of course I do!"

All three friends were now seated, Namjoon had bought whatever Yoongi wanted while Hoseok ordered coffee for him and the lighter brown haired boy. While the palest out of the three was devouring his meal, the other two were reading the words of the song.

The lyrics spit fire, it would bring any person who even remotely disliked them to shame, instantly making them turn into ashes. It expressed how much they didn't care about the haters, that they are the greatest and don't need everyone's approval.

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