Too Far To Fall

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Same warnings as last chapter, graphic descriptions of the aftermath as well as of gore, read safely. <3

Also, the next few chapters should be from Jerome's Pov, but I'll be sure to write it at the top of the story whenever it is so its less confusing. Enjoy!


Jerome's POV

I paused outside the doorway of the home, trying to listen for a moment, not exactly surprised by the silence, before walking to my car parked next to Mitch's, sighing irritably as I got in and started it up. "He is so not okay, I don't care what he thinks or says." I said aloud while I pulled out of our driveway, my eyes scanning the road before I turned onto the street and headed towards Ryan's house.

I sighed, taking another turn while pondering over Mitch. He was looking pale, it was very subtle, almost impossible to notice; But to be fair, I always noticed when something was wrong with him. In fact, it started halfway through that Skype call. I recalled suddenly. It was strange, thinking back, that even though I couldn't see him, I could hear it-or rather a lack of him. He had just gone silent in the call before backing off the call. The later that night he seemed to be yelling at something, even in his dreams he was screaming and crying... and it wasn't just that one night.

I hissed as I pulled to a stop, my expression soured at the poor driving and troubled from the current situation with Mitch. "As if I wouldn't notice he hasn't been sleeping either, that's why he hasn't woken up screaming the past few nights. He thinks if I don't see him, I won't notice he looks like shit." I groused aloud, half-glad I could actually say the words out loud.

I pressed the gas pedal a tad too hard when the light went green again, too absorbed in my own thoughts, but catching myself quickly and returning to a safe speed, cursing slightly as I realized I missed my turn.

I couldn't help but notice any changes in Mitch, I was hypersensitive to him and his behaviors. Guess that's a side-effect of being in love with the idiot. I thought glumly, shaking my head slightly before U-turning to return to my missed road. I never said anything about it because I knew he would never think of me that way. I didn't have a complex about it, I knew it wasn't because 'I wasn't good enough' or some bullshit like that, but that it came down to the simple fact Mitch loves girls, and boobs. I had made my peace with it and with my feelings for the most part. Me being in love with him would not ruin our friendship, I refused to let it, since I would much rather live a life with him in it, even as a friend, than the alternative of losing him.

I sighed as I stopped at the red light again, noticing how glum and sidetracked I had gotten while driving. Even if I planned about talking to Ryan about all this, I didn't need it to distract me while I was on the road, or to put him off when I got there. I pressed the pedal and turned, now only a few minutes away from Ryan's, now only concentrating on getting there and putting these thoughts on a mental back-burner.

A few minutes later I finally arrived at Ryan's house, the other standing there waiting on his phone for me. As he saw me drive up he pocketed the phone and greeted me with an over enthusiastic wave, bringing me into a bro-hug the moment I stepped out of my vehicle. "Hey Jerome, how are you doing dude." He greeted, stepping back to let me go, pausing slightly as he noticed my expression that, despite my best efforts, conveyed a sense or worry. "Hey, you alright man?"

I laughed in response, the sound a little hollow but still conveying a lack of urgency. "Hey Ryan, I'm doing alright." I answered, wanting to downplay my issues since I did come over to help him with his couch and not entirely to dump my problems on him. I then glanced at his house, "Honestly though, not very well, I'll talk to you after we move this couch around and get it in, alright?" I said.

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