Chapter Five

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     Corvis planted his teeth into Volvo's collarbone, wrapping his arms tightly around him and turning around- walking to the desk and slamming Volvo down on it. His thrusts were rough and it seemed that he sped up by the second. He grew far too indulged in Volvo's body to notice his surroundings, and neither noticed the bottle of Jack Daniel's they'd knocked over-- or the intercom button pushed down under Volvo's back. It was too late before the crude sounds of Corvis ravaging Volvo's fragile body with sadistically vicious passion filled the entire concrete base.  Nobody doubted the sounds of Volvo's shrill moans and squeals, that, most of the men there were used to.  Almost all of them had fucked him at least once. Volvo had this way of charming even the straightest men. His crisp blond hair, big red lips, and those glittering doe eyes. Even the women were jealous of his ethereal beauty, he was truly a master of seduction.  Certainly, Corvis could agree. 

     Bite marks and bruises ran down Volvo's chest and neck, Corvis ruining his partner's beautiful flesh, tearing it apart like a wild dog. His actions showed no mercy, and Volvo wanted every bit of it. He moaned against the pain he should feel, but the bleeding bite marks and his raw ass only provided the most invigorating rush of pleasure. He felt the man on top of him lurch forward, letting out a low, husky groan. As soon as he felt Corvis's member sink full length into his ass, he let out a final squeal as corvis released his full load inside of him. Corvis collapsed on top of the petite boy, letting out a heavy sigh. 

     Across the hall, watching in a shadow, was Liom Taylor. The infamous lieutenant. Nearly everyone in England hated him, and rightfully so. Though nobody could deny that he was the best they had for his position. Liom gazed at what he could see of Volvo's smoldering, sexy figure- a perfect hourglass. His fiery red gaze settled on the oleander tattoo on Volvo's thigh. The bruises and scars he'd achieved from other men never touched the flower, it was the purest part of his body- unscathed by the venom of any. Liom remembered the first time he saw the tattoo.  So vividly. He was hidden in a room near the showers, looking through a small hand-carved hole. He watched Volvo's perfectly tanned curves dance in the water, watching the trickles of clear fluid run down his thighs, and around the clear wrapping on the tattoo. The area was bruised, it was fresh. He recalls that moment with a grin, but, as soon as that grin comes it leaves just as quickly. If Corvis dares to run even a finger over its purity, Liom would be sure to see his end. That flower was his to dirty, no matter what it cost him. He lowly growled, swinging deeper into the shadows, looking back over his shoulder at the two intertwined men before they faded out of sight.  Volvo saw Liom watching, but he didn't say a word. The tall man did frighten him, but he couldn't get away no matter how hard he tried. Liom was always there, watching. Waiting in the shadows for the right time to strike. A knot grew in his stomach at the thought, a sickening feeling rising up through him. Almost, as quick as a bolt of lightning, he thought he felt a scream within him. something he'd never felt before. Something was brewing in this thought of Liom,  crawling up his nerves. He'd never felt anything so unbearable- but it was gone as soon as it came. He felt himself freeze up.

     "Volvo...? Dear, are you alright?" Corvis said, concern tracing his words. He saw Volvo freeze up just seconds before, his complexion pale and his eyes pinned to the window. He didn't realize how long he'd been plowing the boy until the window on the opposite end of the room showed through to the night. He bent down to Volvo's height, looking into the boy's terrified amber orbs. Corvis took Volvo's cheek in his big hand, and he felt the life come back to his face. Volvo shook his head, coming back to his senses. 

     "Oh... I'm sorry sir, I just... I faded off for a moment there," he said wearily. Then getting up and reaching for his torn olive trousers. "I should be going now, I'm sorry..." He mumbled, fighting the sick feeling in his stomach. Corvis gingerly wrapped his arms around Volvo, catching him by surprise. He pulled him close, nuzzling his face into the other male's messy blond locks. Volvo felt the sickness fade away as if he was caught in the grips of an angel. Wrapping his lean arms over Corvis's left, he let out a sigh. As he sighed he felt his thoughts drift apart, any troubles slipping through his fingers. Corvis spoke, his deep voice buried in Volvo's hair.

     "Stay with me, my flower... I beg."

(Sorry this chapter is short,, i started it late and it has to be released just about now.)


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