Wilt ~ Chapter three.

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Chapter three

I looked out the window and I remembered last night. Maybe I was just hallucinating? Maybe when I was in the car I hit my head a little too much. Maybe being here was stressing me out too much.

‘Here we are!’ said Kate while hitting the brakes.

We were in front of a small diner. It looked like all diners, the wall mostly was a big glass window and you could see inside it. Kate flashed me a smile and I followed her into the Diner. That was the name of the place, the diner. Everything in this town was so simple, even the names.

The seats were old and you could see white stuffing come out of red leather chairs. We sat down in a table in the very corner, the people looked at me and I heard whispers but I ignored them, there was nothing important they could be talking about, just a new girl in a town after her grandmother’s death.

‘So what would you like to order?’ Kate asked me while scanning through the menu.

I didn’t feel hungry but to be polite I will order something anyways.

‘I will have.. Um.. Vanilla Ice cream’ I said to the waitress that looked like she was working for 3 nights and hasn’t slept for a week.

‘ I will have the same’ she smiled at the waitress showing off her pearl white teeth.

‘So tell me a little about yourself Ellie, what was your previous school like? Did you have any boyfriends, what is your family like?’

‘I went to a private school, we had to wear dark green uniform, it was nothing exciting but I guess I got good education, I did have a few boyfriends, nothing special.. and my family is just like a regular family’

She smiled at me. Her face was so familiar but I couldn’t recognize where I saw it from. The door opened and a familiar shape entered the diner. Nathan.

He walked towards our direction, No please, not now. He was the last thing I wanted to deal with right now. I shot an angry stare at him.

‘Are you stalking me?’ I exclaimed.

‘Hate to ruin your dreams but I’m here to see Kate’ he said as he sat down beside her and wrapped his muscled arm around her tanned shoulders. Oh. I didn’t know why this was so unexpected, she was the pretty girl and he was the perfect match for her. I didn’t want to reply, I embarrassed myself enough for one day. 

‘So are you coming tonight?’ He asked her

‘I sure am, Want to come?’ She asked me. He shot an angry look at her. He was making it too obvious that he didn’t want me to come.

I could say no because I knew I was going to be a third wheel but I had nothing better to do than stay at the house and remember my horrible hallucination.

‘Sure I’ll come’

Nathan wasn’t pleased but why should I please him? I wasn’t made to please him and I wouldn’t even if someone paid me.

Kate fluttered her eyelashes while staring at Nathan, if I tried to do that someone would ask me if I have something stuck in my eye. I wonder what it’s like to be the girl that everyone wants.

He put her long fringe behind her ear. She wore diamond earrings that probably cost more than my life.

‘What time shall I pick you up, Kate?’ He only asked her, making it too obvious that he didn’t want me to come, again.

‘Around seven? You guys live next door right?’

He nodded.

I watched my ice cream melt; it reminded me of my life, slowly melting away.

The door opened again and few friends entered the diner, they were loud and judging by the size of the town and how they looked I knew that they were Nathan’s and Kate’s friends. There were 3 boys and a girl, The boys all looked handsome and the girl was a darker replica of Kate. Her hair was shiny and stick straight, she had bright red lipstick and winged eyeliner.  Her platform heels made a sound that reminded me of horses riding, click clack click clack. Please don’t make it more awkward for me and don’t sit with us, please. I knew they wouldn’t hear me and I knew they would sit with us. Things always happen when you want them not to happen.

‘Heeeey!’ The girl said and wrapped her hands around Kate and Nathan.

Since my ice cream melted into cream I took a sip of it and then I choked.  My face became bright red and my cheeks were burning. Everyone was staring at me.

‘I haven’t seen you around here, are you visiting?’ said a tall boy. I scanned him quickly. He was wearing chinos and a tight white shirt that showed off his body, His skin was glowing and he had dark hair and his eyes were the colour of a clear ocean.

Please don’t embarrass yourself Ellie, please

‘Actually, I just moved here cause of personal reasons. It seems like a lovely town you have here.’

He smiled at me and god his smile was perfect.

‘So I guess you’re Ellie, I’m Alex’

They all chatted away while I day dreamed. Life back in California was so much easier, I knew everyone and when I met someone they didn’t know my name and the background but here if you asked someone about someone then you could find out the persons whole life story.

The small height boy pulled a few little plastic bags from his leather jacket.  Two of the packets had some white stuff but I for sure knew that they were drugs and the other’s had something green in which I guess was weed.

‘Guys this party is going to be wild!’ Kate said happily

So the small town kids weren’t so boring after all.

I looked to my right to see someone in familiar clothes sitting on a bar stool. Then she slowly turned around.


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