my dream..

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I was asleep..I realized that at the start of this strange dream.

There were red flowers every where I walked, I looked around to see nothing but endless red flowers that somewhat shined by the moons light. Sudden there was a woman in front of me.

Her blond hair pulled back, swirling up from behind her as her golden irises eyes locked onto mine. She had a gently smile on her face that lit up the world.

Unfortunately for her, I wasn't interested in her, so if she was trying to get me to do something that might hurt someone, I will not do it. She might be beautiful but if sure has heck doesn't mean I'll follow her or do anything she asks of me unless I think it won't hurt anyone. I would help her though as long as it doesn't involve hurting innocent people... I let out a small hum as she smiled at me. "Do you need something?" I asked her and she still smiled at me without saying a word. I tilted my head a bit and waited. "You've done well in this life...I well you will do in your next life when you finally pass away?" She said and I look at her with wide eyes, next life?

So when I pass away from this one... I'm going to get reborn again!? And where though? "What do you mean by my next life?" I asked her.

"There is something that is disturbing multiple different universes/worlds and this is one of them. You know how they turn out because your universe created them and you watched the beginning to the end. But something went wrong and it's disturbing the balance, so I made a deal with the spirits after they accidentally caused your death. In exchange of letting your soul come to me to help fix the balance, even if the beginning to the end was different, they in turn get to watch over you, protect you if you need it, and lead you their power. Which is why you can talk to nature and all that. Another one was place where you get to have at least two favors you can ask from us any time to help you out." She said and I looked at her with surprise dancing across my face.

Huh...well I guess I know why I can listen to animals, the wind, and nature... though I wonder how many universes or worlds I'm suppose to help out with the balance. "How many do I have to help with the balance?" I asked her with curiosity.

She smiled at me again, "Around 25..." she said a bit embarrassed and sheepishly. Oh goodness... that's going to be a lot to help out and getting reborn but if it helps people live happily then I'll do it. I thought and then "which one am I going to end up next after I die again?" I asked her.

She looked at me thoughtfully, "you might not have to die for a few of them, because a few of them are things that happen in the moment you know? Like say for instance, naruto lives because of hinata, right? What happens if she's late and naruto dies? Everything changes and just about everyone dies from that result...kind of like understand?" She asked me and I nodded my head.

Yeah I understand but what about not having to die for a few of them? Because how else am I going to get there unless...they send me there...huh...but what about this world that I currently live in? "Don't worry, with an extra hand from my side, I can send you over to one of the few worlds that don't need you to die to get reborn over there, so it might happen unexpectedly for you but the other person who will help, will put a pause of your world until you get back in the same spot and without any injuries. There is about four or five of them you can go to in that Instant to help out, first one is fairy tail and the second one is a silent voice. You will find out about the other two or three later. Don't worry though, those first two aren't too dangerous for you and when it does start to get too dangerous for you, you will gain new power to help you out." She said and I let out a sigh of relief, oh thank goodness... I wasn't going to be sure if I got something to help me out when it got dangerous for me.. I thought.

"Hmm...I don't have enough time to explain more this time because your about to wake until next time's time to wake up..." she said and like it all went dark and I shot up from my bed with a startled expression on my face..huh.. so I'm going to end up in about four or five different worlds to help something stay on track...ok...I thought as I got up and did my morning routine.

Well it's time to go eat before anything else I thought. I wonder what the other two or three worlds will be, I know of two of them but how dangerous will the other two or three be? I wonder if one of them will be ouran high-school host club?? Hmm oh well.. I'll think about it next time. I thought as I went about my day like I usually did until it became noon and I then took a short break and a long needed nap.

956 words! Yay I finally finished and hope you all don't mind if I do this.. do you mind this? Well comment what you think and what anime's you want to be included and in which one, like the two or three more that doesn't require raiden to die and be reborn in those worlds. I've already chosen a few anime's but I need help with the rest so will you tell me a lot of anime's you know and want to include? I will very much appreciate it. Also raiden won't die for a long while so don't worry about him dying anytime soon, I meant like raiden dying from old age or something like that. And Thank you and ja ne~!

Experimented on and then rebirth (kinda On Hold)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz