Omake: Day out..

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I went out, i left home so i could explore again..It's nice to see the people every once and a while, i like hearing their opinions about life and what they think about the kingdom right now.

It's one of the reasons why i sneak out of the castle without anyone knowing i left, it amuses me that no one has noticed yet.

I believe i got the sneaking out of the castle from dad...yep i did! And I'm proud of it too!

I at least got one thing from dad, the others have gotten something different. Like leo got the using the window escape from dad.

Bruno and kai...i don't know yet but i will find out one day...

And so here i am, walking in the city(i call it that if it's not called it because i can't remember..) with normal clothes.

I then see a dog, verde? I think that's verde! The dog i raised when i was younger but gave it to a few kids because they were lonely.

"Verde..." i whispered, but she heard me as her hears perked up and her head faces towards me.

Her tail starts to wag, she runs towards me as i kneeled down and hug her.

Oh god, i missed her so much! Shadow and verde used to play quite a bit when we were younger, at least until i gave her to the lonely kids on the street. Verde is a smart dog who knows how to survive and get food and something to drink for herself and for others if needed.

"Verde i missed you!" i cried out happily.

She barks in return, with her tail wagging like it was time vs nature.

I laughed happily, i get to see her after so long! Wait where are the kids?

"Verde where are the kids?" i questioned her, she's smart, she knows what I'm asking her.

She turns around and starts bounding off, i follow her. After some time we finally stop.

It was at a small-ish home, a few kids outside doing their own little thing. One of the kids seem to spot us and cried out "Verde! And..Raiden?" he said with a hint of confusion and surprise.

The others look over at us and another one of them shouted in surprise "RAIDEN?! Your back!" his eye's sparkled and shined as he ran and tackled me into a hug.

The others do the same as well, i smile a soft gentle smile, i usually don't smile like this often. But when i do it's worth the while.

It's so great to see them again..

Done! I finally finish! I tried to finish this as soon as i could but i have to think about what I'm gonna write and a reason why i was trying was because i know there is someone waiting for me to write the next chapter!

So until next time!

Ja ne~!

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