That one thought of the past...

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Why..did i go through all that pain in my past life? Why did i have to die? Well it was an accident due to the ghost that allowed me to life in this time and world.

Which I'm grateful for because i love my family...i care about them...i would do anything to make sure their alive, that their alright and safe.

But...i still don't get it..on how i was forced to endure so much pain..even as a child i was hurt..

Why did those people..experiment on others? Why on children? Why me?

I can't help but think about this when I'm all alone with no one..

Well I'm not alone...the wind is always with me...

Though..i can't help but think...why did he take great joy on hurting me...


And will be a while before publishing again because i have to think on what I'm gonna yeah if you want me to write a certain chapter then don't hesitate to ask...

So..ja ne~

Experimented on and then rebirth (kinda On Hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن