thinking about big brother eins..

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It's been a long while since i last saw my older brother eins...i wonder how he's doing...probably still stoic or something..but i hope he's still the same when he's around me. Other wise I'm going to have a lot of work cut out for me. I don't want him to act like that all the time, so when he comes back, I'm going to break his act. Though i wonder how I'll be doing that...maybe a hug and i miss you big brother? Now i got a lot to think about...will that be enough? Should i do some other things? Should i surprise him? A happy birthday gift? Gifts for other things? Ugh! I don't know! All of it at once? What to do, what to do...embarrass him? Kiss to the cheek? This is so hard...

What should i do?! Ugh i can't really think of everything besides the norm on how to break my older brothers stoic look on his face..will i ever know how to do that? Will i know after i do it? Maybe i should do something for a while before i start thinking about this again..get him to be formidable? Get his drunk? Nah he doesn't drink as far as i know...try to get him to get to know our younger siblings? Hug him for hours or all day? Keep telling him i missed him? What will i actually do when he comes back and i see him? Ace...what should i do with my stoic brother...ugh..ace i miss you...but i won't even get to see you because we are now from two different worlds..

My first friend...ace...I'm sorry for dying on you...i wonder how you reacted to my death..i wonder if your still alive..did you die like i did? Are you grown up and now have a family of your own? Did you die early? What happened to you after i died? Wait how did i go from thinking about my brother to my first friend from another world? Ugh...i should start thinking about my brother again...what should i do with him? Should i do all other the things i mentioned and maybe more?

Finished and sorry it's short...I've been trying to get it a bit longer but no luck...another reason why i put this story on hold is because i don't know what to do with the next chapter. So if anyone has any ideas, will you share it with me? Pretty please? With a cherry on top? If so and you share what you would or should probably go on the next chapter. Then that person will receive a huge thank you and i will try and make a chapter in their honor! Well until then...oh and I'm keeping the on hold until i know what to write about for a few don't expect the on hold on title to go away for a while..I'll post this with the on hold still

Ja ne~!

Experimented on and then rebirth (kinda On Hold)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя